It's June, but I wish it was July, because that's one step closer to being back in my college town and far away from my hometown.
Honestly, I think I've become part of the couch in my front room. The arm of the couch and my arm are now one, so technically I've turned into lifeless furniture being home for so long.
At this point of the summer, everyone is either working or taking summer classes. There are people like me who have filled out over seven applications with no call backs. I didn't take summer classes because it didn't feel necessary after last semester ended.
It's safe to say that at this moment, Netflix is making bank because of the streaming that is going on right now. I have no clue as of how it's mentally or emotionally possible that I'm currently watching four different Netflix series at one time. "Raising Hope," "The Lost Girl," "Dexter," and "A Different World" are all completely different series. One hour I'm listening to a serial killer's thoughts, the next moment I'm learning how to raise a baby as single parent while being poor, then I'm at a HBCU getting my degree in the '90s, and right before bed my mind is on killing the supernatural. You could say I'm pretty adventurous.
You know what really doesn't grow on trees? Gas money. Gas has gone up like, 17 cents in the past four weeks. Let me tell you after two trips to Louisiana, two trips to Little Rock, and a weekend in Jonesboro, you could say I'm poor now. At this point in my life, I would do anything to get away at least once a week to prevent myself from going stir crazy
Any day I decide to get off the couch is a great day in my book. Prayers that I don't gain weight while being home because a gym membership costs money here and without a job nothing is really possible are appreciated.
If you're in the same predicament as me I completely understand your pain. Some people are okay with doing nothing, but doing nothing drives me crazy. If anyone has something for me or any of the people like me to do, please help us out.