The reason I am writing about the new hip hop again is because some recent events have come up that make me wonder what the state of hip hop is at this point. A few days ago, Kid Cudi called out rappers like Kanye West and Drake on twitter. He stated that "The Days of Fuckery are over" meaning that he was tired of certain rappers treating him like shit and saying he's done being loyal to rappers who don't care about him. He also mentioned how he doesn't understand how fans can like rappers who get at least 30 people to write their songs for them, in which he is calling out Kanye West and Drake in that regard.
Many people may wonder why Cudi had this outburst on social media seeing that he did just work with Kanye on his recent album Life of Pablo in the song "Father Stretch My Hands Part 1." Cudi ended the tweet by saying that he will let his music speak for him now at this point in his career, but for some, the damage was already done. Drake and Kanye both called out Cudi at their most recent concerts where Drake basically told Cudi to calm down and Kanye West said that he feels very disrespected at the moment and to never mention him in that regard again.
First off, I don't really see how Kanye West could feel so disrespected by Cudi seeing that he disrespects people for a living. This includes people like Taylor Swift and his wife Kim Kardashian. Let me just say that this is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever seen and these twitter rants need to stop. I do believe that Cudi has no reason to go on a rant on twitter. If he has something to say, then he should do so through his music. That is the problem with rappers beefing nowadays. Back then it was through the music and that is what made hip hop so special. Rappers would beef all the time like Biggie and Tupac, Jay-z and Nas, N.W.A and Ice Cube, and even Eminem would beef with other rappers through his music.
Now, rappers want to go off and tweet out things about other rappers that they don't like for attention and it has just gotten to the point where it is stupid. Kanye West will rant on twitter and diss people like Wiz Khalifa, Amber Rose, and Taylor Swift. He isn't the only one though. Ex- Odd Future member Hodgy Beats went off on Twitter by dissing Tyler the Creator saying that he is a fake and doesn't write his own raps. Meek Mill has gone on Twitter rants for Drake not writing his own rhymes and for ghost writers helping him out. I have one thing to say to all these rappers. Shut the hell up already. If you have something to say, do it through your music and that's it. Don't start a publicity stunt by using social media as an outlet and talking about how other rappers suck. I have said my piece. Is the hip hop culture changing or is it dead?