I am lucky to be where I am. All my life I have had a support system filled with amazing people that always have my back. I am constantly told how wonderful and great I am. I am filled by God’s love and told that I will impact the world. Since day one I have been told that I am going to be great. How am I going to be great? “Go to college and get a job” is something that I am told constantly.
My parents are amazing people and when I was conflicted on where to go to school they gave me the option to choose a gap year or a school. I chose a university and guess what happened. I decided to transfer a year after I chose my school. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad place to be. I slowly started to realize that the program I was in wasn’t something I was interested in. I didn’t want to go to school in Wisconsin where I was at a private college, not getting in-state tuition. I was confused, but slowly started to realize that where I was wasn't where I was supposed to be. I decided to make a change. I thought the change would be for the better.
I chose a different university and after a summer filled with God being completely present, I took off to my new school. I slowly have started to realize that maybe college isn’t all it is made out to be. The feelings I had at my past university are still feelings I had at this school. I knew that not everything would magically change when I chose my new school, but I imagined many things would. Let me tell you people, it isn’t the case.
I recognized that no matter where I go, there will still be stupid people. I don’t mean to be rude, but many college students are stupid. I don’t care what you do on your weekends unless you are harming others or harming yourself to a point I should be worried. I do care about feeling full by God though and that is extremely hard at many universities. I gave up a lot when I transferred schools and it isn’t that I regret it. It is that I am not sure what my purpose at being at any school is.
I have traveled with my family and it was the most amazing experience in my life. I am so lucky to have gone out of the country. I felt more at home in Italy surrounded by strangers than at either one of my campuses. I know both schools are amazing and I am lucky to be where I am now. I know for certain though that I feel called to travel just like many people do. The only thing that is stressful is knowing I feel more comfortable in a foreign country.
I could be traveling the world. I know I need money to travel the world, but do I need a degree? I guess I need a degree to make money. My professors tell me that I may not get a job outside of college once I graduate. I am constantly told that I will be broke as a teacher. The real question is, why am I in college then? Did Steve Jobs graduate college? Did Bill Gates graduate from Harvard? Did Tiger Woods finish school? None of them did.
This is a letter for the students doubting why they are in school. Give school a chance before you make judgement calls. Don't assume that it isn't for you after a week. I am going to give it more time. I am stressed and worried just like the next person. I am not special compared to someone else feeling the same way. Take a deep breathe and evaluate what is going on. You can do it.
I’m not saying I am the next Steve Jobs. I am not that brilliant with technology. I have a passion for helping others though and a mission in mind. I don’t know what my plan is, but it is something to keep in mind. I still battle daily with the question of, “Is college for me?” I don’t know why exactly I am here. I don’t have the moments of college is phenomenal. I don’t have the desire to go party on weekends. I have the desire to spread God’s love everywhere I go and create content or an impact on other people’s lives.
I’m not proclaiming an announcement that I am leaving school. Sorry mom and dad, but Wait, Is college for me?