Eighty-percent of Americans say that women are treated with less chivalry today than in the past (The Washington Times: Poll on Chivalry). But what does the term chivalry actually mean? And where did it come from? The term chivalry dates back to the medieval time period of knights (around 1170 to 1220). The phrase ‘knight in shining armour’ is referred to a man that possess chivalrous characteristics such as opening doors, pulling out chairs, holding the umbrella while it’s raining, etc. Although it seems like an ancient tradition, the simplest thing can make a huge difference in someone’s day. Given the fact that most men are physically stronger than most women, men can overpower women at any time to get what they want. As men have evolved, they’ve developed simple ways to nonverbally communicate with women, in which they would not harm them and would instead protect them against potentially harmful situations.
Obviously, times have changed as we’ve progressed into the modern era. Due to the rise of feminism, and the reiteration of the right to equality, some men may become confused on how to treat women without offending them. Will holding the door for them and carrying their heavy groceries assume that they’re weak? Yes, women want to be treated like ladies, but chivalry is more about respect than pampering someone.
Also, since when has chivalry been only for men? Women can be amiable and respectful of men as well. Chivalry is about putting other people first and serving others often in a heroic or courageous manner. It’s about being polite and courteous. If women today- feminist or not- encouraged each other and men to adopt the principles of civil and chivalrous conduct, then the standards of behavior for all genders would be the same, which gives the equality that feminists desire. The relationship between the sexes would be based on mutual respect, which is what traditionalists desire.
The type of community we should aspire to live in is one in which both men and women can protect and honor each other in the ways that they’re able to. If we can achieve this, then we may be able to bring chivalry back to where it was, if not to an even better state.