This is a time of psychological and emotional equilibrium when the different aspects of your personality are in tune with each other.
This is how my daily horoscope began today.
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The importance of a horoscope is immeasurable. This is important to me. This is an important way to begin my day, especially on Monday’s. Your horoscopes and astrology readings may seem like nonsense to a good majority of the world, however, to begin your day with preparation and perspective is important, and personally, better than the contrary.
Astrology is known as Pseudo-psychology, which is a psychological practice that is false or unfounded. To ‘predict’ events and situations is a science not based on principles, such as research and evidence. This area of study has still yet to be empirically studied making it a controversial subject.
I have come to realize that people love to believe in something, whether that be in religion, in politics, in science etc. Supporting beliefs brings meaning to living, in my opinion. What is the point of obtaining an education, working for a living, or having an emotion if it wasn’t for a greater purpose and for yourself ?
I am not one to devote myself to individual beliefs. I would not consider myself a republican, democrat, or independent, Christian, Atheist, scientist, agnostic etc. I consider myself an individual who has a particular outlook on life, and part of that outlook recognizes astrology and embraces its guidance.
So, why is astrology important?
Astrology is important to me because it gives me perspective on the bigger picture. The fact that non-living aspects of life could be the definition of my existence makes me incredibly curious about what else could be possible. It’s so interesting that astrology is the oldest among sciences and still the least is known about it. Life began with the cosmos, and life continues to strive. I believe that astrology functions upon nature's law. Our present lives are made up of our own actions (mistakes/successes) from the past, which only can be balanced out by our present decisions. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” I believe this to be 100 percent true. Yes, some and/or most of you could entirely disagree with me, but acceptance of a belief is how our nation should strive. We’re here because there is a bigger picture, whether or not people perceive it differently. I think that astrology and astronomy are the basis of how our world came to be.
Everyone has their own opinion, which they are entitled to. My beliefs are crucial to my life, and that should be the same for anyone. Stand up for what you believe in, dive into the knowledge of your beliefs, and share that intelligence with the world. Nothing is more attractive than moral courage and independence. Too often moral courage is confused with preaching and limiting the rights of others, when respect towards people’s beliefs is what is so important. Encourage others to become experts and knowledgeable in their belief, because it gives you a purpose greater than you could ever even imagine.
You can claim to be anything. You can claim to be right. I challenge you to claim to be accepting and to live for what you believe in.