Blending, Baking, Lining, Etc... Words that automatically release our inner endorphins and create the pleasure behind make up. In a little girls lifetime more than likely they receive a makeup set which typically included glosses and blush, but for some when you reach adulthood that shit gets real. Ulta and Sephora have our credit card numbers on deck and minutes turn into hours when getting ready. We create a routine and stick to it. Not everyone understands the process, but the questions from outsiders never seem to change or get old.
1.) Do you really need all of that?
Brushes, powders, sponges, concealer, and pencils galore and yes I need every single one of them.
2.) So you're going to be another hour?
Maybe two, you can't rush perfection baby. Rome wasn't built in a day and I'm not finished baking.
3.) Oh, those aren't your real eyebrows?
Maybe they are, maybe they're not. All that matters is that they're on fleek and there's no denying that.
4.) Can't you just put on powder and call it a day?
You can't just put powder on? I might as well do nothing. What about the lashes, brows, lips, cheekbones. It's all or nothing honey.
5.) Your pores must be awful.
Actually it's quite the opposite. If we can line an eye with a wing sharp enough to cut a bitch we know exactly how to properly cleanse our face.
6.) Who are you wearing all of that for?
Me, myself, and I. Isn't that obvious?
7.) This is why guys have trust issues.
Good thing I didn't do my make up to gain your trust anyway? Besides that, if her make up makes her look hot as hell chances are she does't need you anyway. She obviously got your attention whether she looks different under it or not and some guy will find her beautiful in both forms.
8.) You're only on your eye shadow?
Yes, and next I'll be on my eyeliner, and then my eyelashes, and then my cheekbones. How's that for a play by play?
9.) Do you use tape to wing your liner?
Nope! It's all in the wrist supported my a steady hand. A response which is usually followed by "Please let me do yours!"
10. ) Isn't that a lot of work just to go out in public?
I, myself, like any other makeup addict takes pride and appreciation in applying makeup. It's the simply satisfaction of the shape of a brow, the length of the lashes, the perfect blend, and the pucker of your lips. It's more than just giving yourself confidence. It's all about bringing happiness to yourself and some just find that happiness in make up.