Last week's First Presidential Debate took over TV and computer screens not only throughout the country, but throughout college dorms. Unfortunately, for us millennials, this debate felt more comical than serious due to the excessive interruptions and sarcastic remarks. In between both parties' valid points, I couldn't help but ask myself some of these questions. I know you were thinking the same things.
1. How old is Hillary? She's 68.
2. What animal does Trump's hair resemble today?
3. How many times has Hillary gotten botox injections?
4. What are these facial expressions?
6. Why is Hillary blinking so much?
5. Why is Donald Trump better at contouring than I am?
7. How many times does Trump mention "Mexico?"
8. Why does Hillary continue to mention her husband irrelevantly?
9. How many times is Trump redirected back to the question?
10. How many interruptions occurred throughout the debate? Trump:23 Hillary:4
11. Why wasn't Benghazi brought up?
12. Why is Trump so obsessed with Hillary's website?
13. Why won't Hillary let us see her emails?
14. Were they REALLY family friends before the Presidential Election?
LOL what?!
15. Why is Trump's mouth so small?
16. What are they even talking about?
17. Did Trump forget to get a spray tan?
18. Why does Trump continue to refer to himself in third person?
19. Why won't Hillary just answer the question asked?
20. Is there a secret candidate that we don't know about?
21. Why is Trump so racist?
22. Why are the candidates so nasty to each other?
23. Why is Hillary promoting her book? "Pick it up tomorrow"
24. Why is Trump so caught up on Obama's birth certificate?
25. Has Hilary's hair moved at all?
26. Why does Trump get sidetracked so easily?
27. What is going to happen to this country?
28. Does anyone want to move to Canada with me?