Coming from a girl who's had an iPhone ever since 8th grade, I guess you could call me an Apple loyalist or something like that. I'd be hiding something not to tell of how excited I get with every new Apple innovation. The people who stalk news reports to find out release dates of new iPhones? Yeah, that was me.
When I preordered my iPhone 5s two years ago, I had never been happier to ditch the cracked-screened iPhone 4 and peel the plastic off of my new gadget. Not kidding, I tracked that package down every day to see how much longer I had to wait before I had the shiny gold smartphone in my hands.
Two years down the road though I began lacking the initial love I had for my phone and decided I needed to call a breakup with my beloved iPhone 5s. Despite it's completely working functions, it's smooth screen and fact that it was still shiny out of the case, I felt like I absolutely needed a new phone. That's right, I fell into the marketing tactics of Apple, and I fell hard.
This past winter break, I saved up a bunch of birthday and Christmas money and worked a ton of hours just to fork over the mere $800 dollars I needed to buy what I believed was a living necessity. I mean, who could really resist that rose gold color? Not me, I knew that for sure.
Drum roll please, the hyped up iPhone 6s was in my hands. Larger screen, sweet. That new live feature, pretty sick. Better picture quality... wait a second. This was what everyone was talking about? Was there something everyone was hiding from me? I swear I felt like something was missing.
Playing around with my new phone didn't last very long to say the least, and that's because not so much has changed. I felt completely betrayed from the voice on the Apple commercial that played on every channel for the past few months stating, "The only thing that has changed is everything."
I've come to realize that the most important feature that made me so eager to get the iPhone 6s, the rose gold color, gets hidden behind my Lilly case anyway. Also, the screen is some Gorilla Glass that is said to be "a wonder material that doesn't scratch," but I'm going to call major bluff on that because I put my phone in my purse in between classes and mysteriously found the other day, after just owning this phone for a week, that I had a huge scratch on the screen.
My advice to anyone who swears by Apple and is excited for the next big thing- the iPhone 6s is not that. Save your money, and use it towards buying a plane ticket or something- with the price tag of this phone, you sure could.
BRB, while I pull up the return policy.