As much as we like to get caught up in our phones, sometimes we pay so much attention to their social media aspect that we ignore the other useful features our phones have. For instance, did you know that our iPhones have a "medical ID" feature that is accessible without unlocking your phone? Yes, it's true, and I think that everyone should be aware of this.
As a part of the IOS 8 update (which came out in fall of last year), you can program medical information about yourself into your phone, so that if anything ever happens to you, someone can simply grab your iPhone, hit the emergency tab, and the touch "medical ID" to learn anything from your name to your blood type. The ID features places to put your date of birth, allergies, medications, emergency contact information, and even whether or not you are a blood donor. Basically, anything a paramedic would need to know.
Yes, I'm sure that having all of this information accessible to anyone who gets a hold of your phone could be bad in some ways, as having such personal information easily accessible to anyone could be harmful. Yet, imagine if you were attacked at night walking back from somewhere, and the EMS who found you knew nothing about you? With Medical ID, they could simply pull out your phone, find out your information, and know who to call.
I'm sure there a lot of people out there who already know about this cool iPhone feature, but I thought it may be helpful to further share the news. Tell everyone you know. Ask people if they have heard about it. It's something that could very much come in handy if we or our loved ones are ever put in a situation that we don't want to think about being in. Because after all, as much as we'd like to hope not, it really could be helpful one day.
"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised." -Denis Waitley