Life in 2016, pretty much everyone you know, including yourself, has an IPhone. If not an IPhone, then some sort of smart phone that gives you immediate access to all the Social Medias we love so much. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, all of my favorite apps. If you are like me, you will find yourself checking your phone at least a hundred times a day. I often found myself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook not even paying attention to what I’m looking at.
Then one day, my lovely cats knocked my IPhone off my couch and shattered my screen. No big deal, right? I could always take it to the repair shop and have it fixed. Then it hit me. Why was I wasting so much time on these apps reading peoples stories about what they ate for dinner or what their kid did that day? That’s when I decided to ditch my IPhone. Yes, I still had my laptop but I lost immediate access to all of these apps.
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I sold my phone to a lady who had the screen repaired and gave it to her young daughter. I downgraded to a Blackberry Torch. After the lady got a new phone for her child she offered me to buy my old phone back. I actually didn’t want it back. For once I was experiencing life without an IPhone. This was the best decision of my life.
Now when I am visiting with friends and family I do not have this tiny device glued to my eyes scrolling through other people’s lives while mine is passing me by. I no longer feel the need to document everything that is happening right before me. Instead, I just enjoy it. I live in the moment. I am no longer obsessed with checking what everyone else is doing in their life because I am too busy living mine. I never truly understood how much time I actually spent on my phone until I no longer had it. I read books. Actual books. Not the kind you can download for free on your app. The ones with real paper.
I am all for advances in technology but phones are taking over our lives. I cannot explain how many times I’ve came across a picture or multiple pictures on Facebook that someone has taken at a family event, concert, and everything else. I finally see why it is so important to pay attention to your surroundings. I just think about how much time I’ve lost worrying about my phone instead of just looking around.
I would recommend to anybody to ditch their phones and live life. Put your phones down. Instead of taking pictures of your child playing in their food, play with them. We live in a time where people are watching concerts through the lenses of their cameras, not taking in the moment.
What looked like a downgrade to an old phone actually turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made. Take time and enjoy life. You never know what you are missing when you have your head buried in your phone.