iPayTotal – Ultimate Payment Solution for CBD merchants | The Odyssey Online
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iPayTotal – Ultimate Payment Solution for CBD merchants

Cannabis mostly considered to be illegal in many states of US and also other parts of the world. But fewer states are starting to authorize its production and sale because of the medicinal value of the CBD oil

iPayTotal – Ultimate Payment Solution for CBD merchants

Cannabis mostly considered to be illegal in many states of US and also other parts of the world. But fewer states are starting to authorize its production and sale because of the medicinal value of the CBD oil. Though it comprised the medicinal value, the perception of its link with the weed marijuana, makes it difficult or the merchants to sell the CBD products online. Today, the CBD merchants require high-risk merchant accounts or CBD oil to grow their CBD oil sales and business online, which is difficult.

Why CBD business falls under the "high-risk business" category?

CBD oil obtained from hemp comprises of CBD and THC. THC is the psychoactive painkilling compound, while the CBD is also a painkilling compound with little traceable amounts of THC. This association is the main reason for banks being uncertain of CBD payment processing because of its view as CBD in link with marijuana.

But looking forward, the CBD oil has gained popularity for its positive effects on health and various health benefits, increasing its demand. But the manufacturers and retailers ace challenges in meeting the demands because of the online processing payment hassles.

The merchant account solutions for the CBD oil are considered to be of high risk in the industry, hence acquiring the CBD merchant accounts is definitely not an easy road for the CBD merchants. But this should not discourage the merchants, because the CBD oil business has propelled into a billion dollar industry and the best way to expand this business further is to serve globally with the strong online presence, and to make this possible all they require is the right solution to handle all their payment processing needs. An efficient CBD merchant account provided by the high risk merchant service provider should include the multi-bank processing, secured payment gateway, chargeback alerts and disputes, fraud prevention and protection, ACH/Check 21 processing all at the competitive rates.

In short, iPayTotal is what they require for the smooth run of their CBD business.

How iPayTotal makes the perfect CBD merchant payment solution?

iPayTotal has launched an exclusive new merchant payment solution or CBD oil merchants with correct criteria atlowest cost, and is the industry's leading payment processing solution. It provides a solution to the cannabidiols industry to have them run their business seamlessly. iPayTotal is meant to ease the pain of all CBD oil merchants. It helps them apply for the service and quickly start processing payments in less than a week. This CBD merchant payment solution of iPayTotal is available for Cannabis merchants, licensed medical and marijuana companies. This solution is the ideal one for the start-ups looking to sort out the payment operations and also for the big players of CBD world.

With iPayTotal's exclusive CBD merchant payment solution, any CBD shop can safely and securely accept the payments with true confidence in their processor. This processing solution of iPayTotal is comparatively quick, easy and simple than any other CBD merchant solutions. It is specifically designed for the CBD merchants with both complicated and uncomplicated history. Once the merchants get approved then can begin the processing within a week.

Let's see why iPayTotal is your ultimate CBD payment solution

It offers the efficient payment processing solution at reduced rates in order to take care of the perceived risks.

Is providing services for hundreds of active CBD product manufacturers, distributors and retailers from startups to largest companies in the industry.

Charges no contract fee and early termination fee.

It is easy to use, fully featured setup and offers mobile wipe processing functionality.

All the underwriting and risk decisions are take in-house.

So, on the whole or easy and hassle-free payment processing gateway, iPayTotal makes the best CBD merchant payment solution for startups to the largest companies of CBD world. When a merchant's application or CBD payment processing online is accepted, the merchant will be able to serve the global clientele with the established cannabis payment processing systems. The obtained CBD merchant account will calculate the currency difference and allows making transaction throughout the day, which increases the sales and profits of CBD merchants.

So, get started today with iPayTotal.

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