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We Focus So Much On Outward Appearance, Yet Inward Appearance Should Matter, Too

Never judge a book by it's cover.

We Focus So Much On Outward Appearance, Yet Inward Appearance Should Matter, Too
Ashley Cunigan

Living in a society where people are constantly comparing looks and appearances, I thought it might be about time to address all components of health and wellness besides the physical aspect. Wellness is described as a way of life, making responsible choices and lifestyle decisions. Yet, how do we remain healthy if all we are focusing on is our outward appearance and not paying attention to mental or emotional health? As a person who has struggled with self-comparison, I know how difficult it can be to not look at someone else and wish I had the "perfect body" with clear skin and toned abs.

However, God has made us all perfect in his image, and therefore, we should strive to become the best version of ourselves with the passions and gifts he has given us.

Mental Wellness

While exercise and physical health are directly related to mental wellness, it is important to note that the ability to think and process information effectively stems from learning, growth, and development. Mental health requires some effort in the same way physical health does. Those who want to experience mental well-being need to be mindful, optimistic, and compassionate. Mindfulness allows us to have conscious awareness so we can make choices and positive changes to thought and behavior. Choosing to experience positive well-being allows us to veer away from negativity and complaints. Self-compassion is about learning to be kind to yourself and forgiving of your flaws despite what others might say. Overall, we are all human beings and fall short of the glory of God.

Without self-compassion, we cannot find true happiness.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness provides meaning and direction in life and allows us to grow and meet new challenges that come our way. This path might involve religion, meditation, yoga, prayer, affirmations, or other spiritual practices that support connection to a higher belief or support system. Making time for relaxation every day promotes spiritual wellness as you are forced to settle down and focus on the present moment. Those engaged in meditation or prayer are able to transcend themselves and question the meaning and purpose of their lives and the lives of others. I find meaning for my life by putting my trust in Jesus and accepting my own faults and failures to know that he died for my sins and rose from the dead to be the Savior of the World.

I find harmony between the inside and the outside world by focusing my attention on Him and being mindful of His grace towards me.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness implies the ability to control our own thoughts and feelings while expressing emotions appropriately and comfortably. Those who engage in emotional wellness are able to arrive at personal choices and decisions based on their own behavior. Using a positive attitude and seeking support in a suitable manner has a big impact on the way we value decisions on an everyday basis. Be willing to take on challenges and risks but also understand the potential outcomes and consequences for actions as well.

Knowing how to accept your mistakes and learn from a situation promotes emotional wellness to make more informed decisions in the future.

Social Wellness

Social wellness is imperative to our lives as we are destined to interact with other people to survive. Rather than being anti-social or self-consuming, seek out ways to contribute to the common welfare of your community to engage in social wellness. It is better to live in harmony with others and our environment than to be in conflict with them. Plan time to meet with family and friends and have a relationship with others. Explore diversity, equity, and inclusion by interacting with people of different cultures, backgrounds, or opinions.

You never know who you might meet or something you may learn if you don't seek out opportunities to improve social wellness.

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The Great Christmas Movie Debate

"A Christmas Story" is the star on top of the tree.

The Great Christmas Movie Debate
Mental Floss

One staple of the Christmas season is sitting around the television watching a Christmas movie with family and friends. But of the seemingly hundreds of movies, which one is the star on the tree? Some share stories of Santa to children ("Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"), others want to spread the Christmas joy to adults ("It's a Wonderful Life"), and a select few are made to get laughs ("Elf"). All good movies, but merely ornaments on the Christmas tree of the best movies. What tops the tree is a movie that bridges the gap between these three movies, and makes it a great watch for anyone who chooses to watch it. Enter the timeless Christmas classic, "A Christmas Story." Created in 1983, this movie holds the tradition of capturing both young and old eyes for 24 straight hours on its Christmas Day marathon. It gets the most coverage out of all holiday movies, but the sheer amount of times it's on television does not make it the greatest. Why is it,
then? A Christmas Story does not try to tell the tale of a Christmas miracle or use Christmas magic to move the story. What it does do though is tell the real story of Christmas. It is relatable and brings out the unmatched excitement of children on Christmas in everyone who watches. Every one becomes a child again when they watch "A Christmas Story."

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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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