Getting involved is the second most important thing you should do while in college, behind your academics. Getting involved means making friends, and learning about what is taking place at your University. You are open to more opportunities around campus and meet people who may have the same classes as you do. From there you get to not only hang out but you also make new study buddies and get to figure out the whole college thing together! What could be better?First things first you cannot be afraid to put yourself out there. You might feel intimidated to go walk up to a group of people but once you do you will pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Figure out what organizations work for you and which ones don't. You do not have to be 110% happy with an organization before you chose one. Your not getting yourself into a fully committed relationship so feel free to try more than one out and you can pick which ones work for you and which ones don’t! Being a part of an organization gives you the opportunity to learn more about your University and City you live in. Most organizations do community service which not only look good on your resume but you also learn about what is going on in your city and around campus.
Here are some things you can do at your University to get involved :)
1. Intramural Sports
From football to basketball there are tons of different team sports you can participate in. It's the best way to make friends and have some friendly competition.
2. Work on campus
Working on campus is great! Working at school is one of the best decisions I have made. The best part is working with other students who understand how busy life can get with both work and school. And although you may think that working and going to school is too hard when it comes to working on campus your job will work around your class schedule and things that may come up throughout the year.
3. Get involved with multiple organizations
Finding your place at your University may be a tad difficult. Not because there isn't the right organization for you but because we can all be a little shy at first. Let me tell you one thing getting involved in different organizations helps you grow as a person you meet new people and learn about things you wouldn't have if you had not joined. Besides getting together, hanging out, and doing community service you build friendships that last a lifetime. I was always a little nervous at first but the more I got involved the more I wanted to tell others about the great experiences that come with being about of a great group of people.
4. Go cheer on your team with your friends!
Game days are FUN days! Be sure to get your group of friends together for every game day! Tail-gate, wear your school colors and cheer loud and proud for your team.
5. Go to events on campus
Not sure what to do this week/end? Check your Universities event schedule, there is always fun things to do on campus and along with these events you can also collect a bunch of free goodies and make friends!
Going to college is fun but making friends isn't always easy! Make sure to get yourself involved and don't be shy! You are in charge of your life and who you become friends with! But always remember school comes first so make sure you get your studying in before you go out to have a good time with your new buddies! I hope you all have a great school year! As for me, I am ready to start my 3rd year at UTSA!