As a college student, I realize how difficult it is to make the transition from the church you might have grown up in to finding a brand new church. It can often feel like finding a new family. This experience can be difficult and trying, but very rewarding. Don't fall into the temptation of simply not going to church. As followers of Christ, we're called to be a part of his body, the Church. This isn't some optional command: Church is crucial to your faith. And as insightful and edifying as online sermons are, they are no substitute for the fellowship of believers that you find at Church.
Church isn't some organization for people with a certain disposition or personality type, or dependant on the amount of homework given. It's for all believers. This collection of people who admit that they are broken, and are growing more and more in the image of Christ represent a crucial role in your Christian journey. Furthermore, you represent a crucial role in their journey, and you're denying them all that you have to offer by not going. There's plenty more reasons as to why Church is essential: more thoughts can be found at Zach Hicks and The Christian Post.
As I started going to a new church, I realized I had the wrong attitude. I went in thinking, "How can this Church point me to Christ?" That's an important question to ask, but there's so much more than that. Start asking "How can I point this church to Christ?" I'm not talking necessarily about upheaval of false doctrines. How can you be an impact for Christ at this church? I know Southlands has volunteer teams for people eager to get involved in the church.
God's plan isn't simply to use the people who have grown up in this church. Have lunch with the pastor regularly and have tons of time to work at the church. He wants you to become involved. Sign up for small group community! Volunteer to work with kids! Become an usher! This past week, I recently had the joy of going to my first Friday night youth group at Southlands as one of the leaders. Investing in the church in the form of youth ministry has so far been a joy, and I'm excited to see how God continues to work. As always, prayer is an essential part of this process. To see God work in amazing ways, offer up your time and energy to Him, wait and pray.