Every girl dreams about finding that group of friends that will be her bridesmaids one day. Girls thrive off of each other, and finding that group can sometimes be a struggle. Of course, anyone can find a group of friends that they can have fun with, but true genuine friendship has to go deeper than that. I know for me personally I only came out of high school with a few friendships I knew would last a lifetime. What was I missing? I was tired of pouring into people that wouldn't pour back into me. Friendship is so much more than just a person who will make conversations with you, or only see you skin deep. Girls, especially in college, deserve to invest themselves in true, genuine friendships that aren't a waste of time.
I don't exactly know how people find the people they mesh the best with, but something brought me to the ladies I know and love now.
Positive influences are everything. What is an actual true friend? I mean a true, supportive, and influential person that you actually want to have in your life. If they aren't going to push you to be your best, then what is the point? It happens so often that girls fall into the wrong crowd, feel put down, or forgotten by the people they call their friends. Real true friendship should be treated like a bond or a support system that works on building each other up. I know one of the things I value most about my friendships is their willingness to open up to me. Being able to sit, listen and be there for my friends who share anything about their lives. Whether they share something as simple as why they ate Chick-Fil-A for all three meals that day, or why they have been having a tough week, a simple bond like this creates a deeper and more valuable friendship.
Going along with the ability to open up, everyone has different values and perspectives to bring to the table. Honestly, it's how we learn and grow. I know I learn best by simply talking and listening. Friends should be the people who you can share discussions, life lessons, different perspectives and random thoughts with. Feeling comfortable and safe around another person makes me feel like I am at home. Surround yourself with girls you feel like you could look up to. Role models can be anyone. Friendships should be celebrated and promote the best version of yourself. It took me a little while to find such an amazing support system, but the best things in life are worth the wait. I can honestly say that I am at my happiest, best, and most caring when I am with my friends. The word "friend" means so much more to me than just a title.
Investing in true friendships requires a give and a take. I give my all for my friends and would do anything for them, I know I can say something like that and mean it because they will do the same for me. Friendship is a blessing and it's in our human nature to make friends. We all want connections and want to make special bonds, but the right people will cherish them the most. So celebrate friendship and cherish it, because it is such a wonderful gift.
Happy International Women's Friendship Month to all my friends. I love you guys.