After signing off to my 2016 chapter and opening a new notebook for 2017, I decided that one thing I needed to do was to invest in myself. I spend so much time focusing on the people and events around me that I lose track of myself. In 2016, I was constantly told I needed to take time out for myself (doesn’t everyone?) so I decided to write about the different ways I (we if you want to join) plan on investing in myself.
1. Books
If you’re like me, books are essential to your life just as air is. But since starting college and all my activities, I found that the time I normally had to sit and read a book (that’s not related to class) vanished into thin air. This year, I’m * hoping * to read at least a book a month, of my choice. In a sense, its my way to treat myself and relax after a long day.
2. Waking Up Early
Okay, this one is a bit different. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not your average early bird, if anything sleep is my best friend in the universe. But by waking up an hour or two early, I’m investing in myself by giving me the first hour (or two) of the day to myself. A time where I can do whatever I want to do. Whether that is just sitting with a cup of coffee reading my book, or going to the gym.
3. Making the time to exercise
I am starting to realize I need to make exercising more of a priority. And not because I want to get the “beach body” for the summer, but just for my overall health. I found that in the times I actually do make it to the gym, I’m less sick than I am on the times I don’t. It also makes me more energized and productive, all the more reasons to make time!
4. Journaling
I already do this, but I just thought I would add it onto the list since I’m carrying it over to 2017. Journaling has been the most therapeutic outlet I have discovered since the creation of coffee. I don’t avidly journal in the since that I write novels, but I doodle about my day on days I feel like I’ve written too much. Or on the days I just can’t wait to sleep, I bullet journal. But either way, I set aside at least 5 minutes to journal. It helps clear my head for the next day or get my mind set to attack the day (depending on when I journal).
So here are my ways of investing in myself. Each person will have their own unique way of investing in themselves, what are yours? Feel free to share! Remember, no matter who you are, even if you are a superhero, you need to take some time for yourself. It isn’t being selfish, I promise.