What is an introvert, really?
The words introvert, extrovert and ambivert are thrown around so casually all the time that I'm not sure we truly understand what they mean anymore.
I consider myself an introvert. I consider myself this based on the definition of introvert: “a person prone to introversion.” Introversion means to look inward to oneself or to be introspective.
Introverts often are characterized by shyness, rudeness or selfishness. I don’t believe these to be true of all introverts. When I see the word introvert, I see that this person needs time to recharge alone, away from social activity. It means our energy Is not garnered from social interaction.
I don’t hate social interaction; I love to be around people. I just have to have some time alone after all is said and done. Sometimes I can’t be around people because it wears me out. This doesn’t mean I’m a hermit or hate others. It just means that I can’t be around everyone all the time.
"Extrovert" means to be “an outgoing, gregarious person.” Now some stereotypes about extroverts are that they enjoy all the attention, they’re obnoxious or they’re rude. This again, is not true of all extroverts. They enjoy people, and that is where they gain their energy. Most of the time they need people to recharge. They might like the spotlight, but most of the time it isn’t about that.
Ambiverts are a mix of the two. They can do both situations and are comfortable pretty much anywhere (not going to lie, I’m jealous of these people). Ambiverts are the “normal” ones. They are the in-between. And they can get along anywhere.
So when I see introverts categorized as always shy, rude, socially-awkward or any other nasty description, it makes me wonder where the person defining that got their experience from. Because all of the introverts I have seen and know, really aren’t any different than anyone else. They love their friends and go out and have a good time. But they just go home at the end of the day and turn off their phone.
And that’s what I do. It’s not that I don’t love people; I just love my alone time.