While I wouldn’t say I’m a pro at this whole “college thing”, first semester taught me a couple lessons about surviving and flourishing on a big campus as an introvert. So, here it goes; The Introvert's College Survival Guide.
1.Introduce yourself to the kid sitting next to you in class
This may feel awkward and weird, and it definitely isn’t a lesson that came easily to me, but you never know who the person sitting next to you might be. Even if they don’t turn out to be your best friend, at least you’ll have someone to get notes from if you happen to miss a class. Also, it’s comforting to know that you’re not the only one that really misses your dog, your mom’s cooking, and is completely drowning in papers and looming exam dates.
2. Get out and about
I would be lying to you if I said this is a rule I always follow. Trust me, I can find an excuse to get out of plans. From a headache to the weather being too cold or rainy, I can always find a way to justify staying in bed to Netflix and Chill alone. However, I can tell you that my best memories are from the days that I actually put pants on, shut down my laptop, and went outside to meet people and experience the world around me.
3. Get out of your comfort zone
This has been my biggest downfall in college. If something makes me remotely uncomfortable or anxious, I skip it. But recently, I was forced out of my comfort zone and attended a youth ministry service near my campus. Now trust me when I say, religion isn’t for everyone, but I was so grateful for the experience and it was something that I almost didn’t follow through on. Sometimes you just have to get out of your bubble. That’s where the real fun starts.
4.If you can do something with someone else, do it
Jessi, what does that even mean? Well, let me tell you. Studying is something that can be done alone; just like eating, going to Walgreens, walking to class etc. The other thing that all these activities have in common is that they could also be done with someone else. Sometimes the highlight of my Tuesday afternoon is making a trip to Walgreen’s after class with a girl that lives in my building. While being alone is nice, buying nail polish and snacks is a whole lot more memorable when you’re not all by yourself.
5.Take care of yourself
All my extroverts out there may not understand this one, but for my fellow introverts, PLEASE do not force yourself to be with people all the time. It’s exhausting. Yes, I know that college is all about meeting people and experiencing the world. But, it’s also about taking naps when you need them, cuddling up with a blanket and your laptop for a lazy day, buying a new adult coloring book to bring out your artsy side, and hey (I know it’s crazy) turning off your phone when you just need a break.