At one point, I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned that I'm an ambivert. Which is untrue as I later came to realize that instead, I am a full-on introvert-- yes I like having friends BUT (sorry not sorry) nothing else beats the feeling of sitting alone in your apartment either watching Youtube, finishing up homework or reading.
Why has this changed (i.e. characterizing myself as an ambivert at first but then accepting that I am an introvert)? It's probably because I feel like I've been having less and less time to myself each day. And also 'cause I've just accepted that I will always prefer to relax and have my own personal spa night then go to a party.
Since becoming busier as each semester progresses, I've had very limited time to actually have time to myself, or even with friends. Either I'm at my job, volunteering, in classes or trying not to get behind on readings. That hour of free time that I have (if any), it's going to be spent either a) cooking or b) watching videos so that I can have some sort of a break.
And what's not to like? You get to make your own plans (like bake, watch a movie, catch up on school work, etc.), no need to rely on anyone and you finally get time to relax.
Don't get me wrong, I love being with friends. It's the reason why I used to say I was an ambivert. I do enjoy going out, hanging out and even studying in groups. But sometimes just being around people is exhausting that there is really no other choice but to lock yourself in a room to recharge (usually by way of nap or reading in my case).
So if you ever see me on campus (or anywhere really) by myself-- don't always assume that you shouldn't say hi to me once you've read this article. I love catching up, especially with the limited time I currently have, especially with making plans with friends.
Nothing about being an introvert is sad. What would be sad is an extrovert who wishes to constantly be surrounded by people but rarely is. But as an introvert, I'm not depressed nor need someone to come join me if it seems like I'm lonely. Most likely then not, I'm choosing and want to be alone, not because I don't have friends (because rude if you look at me and think that). Don't push your pity onto someone that obviously doesn't need it.