The one topic that I love to talk about: being introverted. Before you get into this, I want you to ask yourself what exactly would you describe yourself as. Introvert or extrovert? Do you enjoy all the attention that you can get or are you cool with being the one in the background? Do social gatherings drain you, or would you rather be at home alone binge watching shows on Netflix? Is the night life more your style or more something you dream about? And you know, by the way — it is possible to be both.
The typical stereotype that we refrain from any society is totally incorrect. Introverts tend to think more about their own feelings and just would prefer solitude over a social gathering. We're not necessarily "anti-social" and the term "shy" isn't even the word for it either. Introversion is not classified as shyness because shyness has more to do with anxiety and apprehension. We just rather keep to ourselves, and that's really it.
And of course there are benefits to this and disadvantages to it. Put it this way, we sit back and analyze so much more than the ones that tend to have all of the attention on them. It is really common sense and it's interesting to see, actually. We pick up a lot more information than others. Some disadvantages would include missing opportunities that were intended to be set and turned down due to even the thought of being uncomfortable.
Think of a scenario where you have the extrovert and introvert both in the same room at a party. What the extroverted person is most likely doing is singing, dancing, yelling or whatever the case may be in order to draw attention to him or her - and that's not their intention, that's just how they are. That's their comfort zone. If comfortable enough to even attend a party - the introvert on the other hand, usually keeps 2 or 3 of the same friends surrounded by them without any intention of initiating conversation with people that they have never met. Small talk is more of their "thing."
With being introverted comes the tendency to be more in tune or aware of one's own thoughts, feelings and most likely consideration for others too. So much that we become so in tune with our own thoughts that it's possible that we reach conclusions that we perceive as so definite. This is the one characteristic that I'm definitely in favor of. Being aware of feelings of those around you when they don't necessarily want to communicate what's exactly going on with them can be a bit tiresome, but at the same time, beneficial in its own way. We like our own company.
You can give me days to myself and I wouldn't become tired of being alone. I enjoy writing, drawing, learning and reading just as much as the extrovert enjoys their own hobbies. We introverts make good friends for our own selves; and since this, I won't ever feel pressured to be in a social gathering to feel alive — and I wouldn't want it any other way.