Introducing the Craziness | The Odyssey Online
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Introducing the Craziness

Life As It Stands

Introducing the Craziness

Hello, my lovelies! Hopefully, this post will satisfy your burning curiosities about why I decided to start this blog at such a stressful time in my life.

I’ve always been told that if you want to remember the best times in your life either take a picture with your mind (which if you’re like me, you are forgetful as hell) or write it down. Obviously, my fave is writing it down. So since getting engaged on May 20th, 2016, I feel the need to write as much down about this crazy time in my life as I can, just so that as years go by I can refer to it whenever I think the worst is currently happening or just a need a little pick me up and to laugh at my silly younger self.

So let’s get this show on the road, shall we? J

An intro to me:

I was raised in a very small (read: no stoplights or sidewalks) town in Southeastern Kentucky by my single mother, maternal grandparents and my paternal great-grandparents along with a host of extended cousins and aunts and uncles in a very large (both sides of my Momma’s family numbers close to the 600-700’s at joint reunions), close-knit family. My father has been absent majority of my life (in and out of jail for meth and a host of other calamities), but my soon-to-be stepfather is one of the best humans I’ve ever met and makes my Momma so happy. I have four brothers (James, Steven, Alexander & Benjamin) and one sister (Chelsey). James and Steven are my stepbrothers but we don’t use titles like that. We’ve all been around each other for going on 10 years now and Momma and Dad are finally getting married (YAY!) since the oldest four (including me) are either on our way out of the house or have already been bumped out of the nest. Some might question why they waited so long, but it’s really simple. We’d been raised differently when we were younger and it just wouldn’t have been a pleasant situation for anyone if they tried to force us all to live together. They just wanted everybody as happy as they could be, even if it meant they had to wait on their happiness for a while longer.

Throughout middle and high school, I was a straight-A, overachiever kinda kid (aka I stressed myself out for no apparent reason). My sister did FFA (Future Farmers of America, for you city-slickers), and Alex has just started high school so who knows what he’ll end up doing?! Needless to say, us kids are about as different as the day is long. But Lord knows, if you mess with one of us, you’ve got all of us to deal with (you’ll thank Chelsey and me for being terrifying later, Alex). I attended a Pentecostal Holiness church from the time I was three or four until I was about nine and then a Baptist church from then til now. I actually met Justin at VBS (Vacation Bible School) at a Baptist church in our area when I was thirteen. So, you can say I’m pretty versatile when it comes to religious matters. I combine both ways of teaching when I talk about my personal beliefs.

Now that I’m in college, I don’t participate as much in church as I did back in high school but it’s still a major part of my life. Right now though, my life goal is to make it through my last semester (while having Seasonal Affective Disorder and anxiety), stay in touch with the amazing friends I’ve met at this college (more on that later, promise) and graduate in a few months. Oh and somehow plan a wedding between all of this J thank God for friends who are your rock and will tell you when you are taking on too much (who conveniently didn’t warn me about getting married after finals week) or else I would have broken down long ago.

Well lovelies, that’s an intro into who I am. Hopefully, I didn’t bore you too much! Stay tuned if you want to learn more about my world of insanity.


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