I'm not going to go into a full rant about the change that has fallen and falling upon us because it has already been done throughout the night and into the morning light. However, I will ask this. To the majority that voted Trump, ask yourself this:
"Am I satisfied?"
"Am I glad to finally TO see that black man out of office?"
"Am I proud of myself for keeping a woman out of office?"
"Am I proud to be an American?"
"What will I say to my co-workers who are female, of color, LGBTQAA, Muslim, disabled or any combination of the four about the results?"
"How will I explain to my children the choice I made in supporting such a hateful agenda, especially if their friends are a target for hate crimes?"
If you are having a hard time answering these questions, then in the words of DJ Khaled, "Congratulations. You played yourself." If there was any candidate that does not literally give a damn about who supported him just as long as he wins, it's that candidate you voted for and won the election. By choosing this person, you have wholeheartedly agreed to such a hateful agenda. You may not be racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, Ableist, and/or sexist personally, but it is clear that you agree with these ideas when you voted for him. As for the ones who mockingly wrote in votes for a dead gorilla, you represent a part of America that literally does not give a damn about how this country goes, because you are the majority that has nothing to lose. May God or whatever high power you answer to, have mercy on your ignorant souls.
My overall mood about the selection of the president-elect is along the lines of disappointment, frustration and a hint of jadedness. I watched my sister, who is four years younger than me, cry her eyes out in anguish and disappointment because her vote, an early vote, did not matter in the end. In the 26 years I have lived, I have never seen such a devastating picture than I did last night. I was frustrated, pissed, disappointed, but jaded at the same time. I spent a collective four hours on the phone with my friends expressing my anger of how ridiculous the poll results were. I stood up all the way to nearly 3 a.m. last evening, but had given up an hour before then. I hated to see my sister like this but that did not mean I have to be that way.
The America that are the minority races, female LGBTQAA, Muslim and disabled, I have a message for you. Let us not forget the progress we have made within the last eight years under an effective administration. Let us not allow the stronghold that we have built within those eight years be eradicated overnight. Let us look at the election for what it is. This election has proven a long-standing fact that many have been trying to make a myth out of for years. The fact is racism does exist in this era. Racism did not end when the Civil rights movement began. I'm not stopping at racism either. Homophobia is existent, transphobia is existent, sexism is existent, Islamaphobia is existent, ableism is existent, and hate is existent in America 2016.
This all became clear when the majority have spoken, saying they rather have a man who literally is about to be on trial for a rape charge than a woman with questionable emails. So those people I just mentioned, know that this is what this election means. As you know the horrible reality of this election, know that you are loved for everything that you are and that you make a great part to the progression of this country. This younger generation( millennials as they like to call us) is more aware and much stronger than what the previous generations have credited us for. The older generations know this and that's why they busted their you-know-what's to get to the polls so that they can hold onto their "traditions" instead of just letting go. As I have told my sister, just keep hold to your faith, keep your head held up high, embrace your identity and we shall carry on. This is my message to the America that I know can exist. As Dr. Seuss have said, "Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing in this world will change, it will not." The voice for justice, equity, and peace still can be heard. Do not let this election silence you. Love yourself, love others, and protect yourselves. It is your right.