I recently interviewed for an organization on campus and this process makes it so much easier.
Look at your interviewer.
A simple way to attract one's attention is to look straight at them. I know sometimes its very nervewracking and getting distracted or getting your mind off of the subject seems like the best option. However, by listening to them, you seem more interested and attentive. It also shows off how much confidence about the subject.
Be clear and concise at what your trying to say.
Its easier if you try to be more specific on a subject than being general about it. It's okay if you mess up on some words but try to pick the pace back up. An interviewer will be more interested if you actually are making a point.
Make bold points to stand out.
Take on those difficult subjects that some people have hard times talking about or make a statement by using another point of view. There are endless possibilities to some questions so just go with your instincts and you'll do amazing!
Know a lot about yourself.
Many personal questions about your characteristics or interesting facts are usually asked during an interview process. Knowing most things about yourself such as personal qualities or weaknesses show that you're a well developed person. Be confident in knowing yourself the best and be sure to honest as well.
Try to be prepared and know a lot about what your interviewing for.
If your prepared, then it's easier to talk to your interviewers. You're more fluid when you communicate and there is less fear of not knowing what to say. If it's a job make sure you make interesting points about their company and if it's an organization, then make sure you know what it is exactly that you made you want to interview in the first place.
Be dressed for the part.
Usually jobs or organizations like it when you dress up in the desired attire. It makes you seem more professional and neat as a person. If a certain dress code is required, make sure you adhere to it and dress your best!
Ask for help!
At many colleges, there are places that offer free or paid mock interviews that allow you to get better at communicating. Through these programs, you actually get feedback and experience. If there isn't something like this around, then ask a couple of friends to ask you potential or general questions. Doing this has helped me so much!