Interview With Joseph O'Brien, AGT Contestant
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Interview With Joseph O'Brien, AGT Contestant


Joseph O'Brien
Joseph O'Brien

The America's Got Talent season has come to a close. Let's recap what we saw. We saw a dancing "German" accordion player. A sweet sibling trio who auditioned with a dedication to their mother. An awesome violinist with neuropathy (talk about overcoming the odds.) Several dance groups that had me thinking, "Dang, I can't even walk up the stairs without face- planting." There was even the cutest couple who sang a song about their soon to arrive baby girl. And though there were more acts that I liked than those that I didn't like, my favorite was that of the singer songwriter from Tennessee, Joseph O'Brien.

Joseph O'Brien made his appearance on week five of America's Got Talent singing a cover of Lionel Ritchie's "Hello". His performance left the judges saying that though he was single ("and ready to mingle") he would have plenty of girls sliding into his DM's in no time. Luckily, he answered my email asking if he would care to answer some interview questions. Also luckily, he said yes.

1.) How would you describe your musical style and who would you say some of your biggest influences/inspirations are?

My musical style is a modern EDM sound, blended with Owl City Synths, and Coldplay melodies.

Owl City, Coldplay, Capital Kings, For King and Country

2.) How did you feel whenever the judges/Tyra would zero in on your relationship status as opposed to your performance?

I was fine with it to be honest. Wasn't too bothered by it cause I knew it was coming - because my story was always the focus on the show. My talent didn't measure up to the story most of the time because I was so nervous ya know?

3.) When did you know that you wanted to pursue music as a career?

I knew from a young age that I wanted to do music because I wanted to be like my dad, and he was a full time musician growing up, and still is to this day. I think it solidified in my brain as my career option when I was around 14 years old, cause at that point I was always writing songs and my dad told me he thought I was the only child in the O'Brien family that had the best shot of making the Christian music industry.

4.) What led to the decision to audition for America's Got Talent?

I was experiencing some frustrations at my college. People respected my music, but I felt like everyone got hype about other artists at the school, and also I was having a tough time exuding confidence in my social life. I also was having trouble getting labels' attention because I didn't have a following. All of this led to me auditioning because of frustration believe it or not haha.

6.) What kind of support have you gotten from your hometown as well as your school?

Because I was a recluse in many different ways, the support was pretty good, but not as good as I needed it. People feel more inclined to support you when you are engaging with them on a regular basis.

7.) What is your ultimate goal for your music career?

I just wanna write songs that glorify God and edify the body of believers. Whatever form that takes I'm game!

Though Joseph was voted off in the quarterfinals (cue sad emoji), there is no doubt that this guy packs a lot of talent.And I'm sure I'm not alone when I say how excited I am to see what he comes out with in the future. #JO4IT

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