With recent events like twitter rants about president depicted primates and the on-going racial disputes often turned political, it's pivotal to talk about interracial dating. The majority of my life I have dated outside of my race, along with the lurking eyes, and the judgmental glares come the impossible questions.
Here are 11 things interracial couples are tired of hearing; because lord knows we've heard them all…
1. Your children are going to be so confused?!?
Let's just put this out there for all to see, in the event we [speaking for all interracial couples here] children they will know both of their ancestries. There's no reason to sugar coat the hard truth of their past but again; this love is far deeper than the increase or decrease of melanin in someone's skin
2. This is just a phase
Phases are periods in your life that could be temporary. Even so, whose right is it to deem that someone's preference is temporary?
3. In the end, it'll be about color
Relationships, flings, in-betweens whatever you are to a person should never be lowered down to someone's race. Who cares?
4. Have you ever thought about how hard it may be for your kids?
Look, dude, why are you so obsessed with these fictional children that aren't yours? Besides people don't fall in love for convenience, generally speaking.
5. What will your kids put on documentation?
Documentation isn't a concern nor is it any of your business. In today's world, interracial dating is so common that there is now a check mark for “mixed" race and further clarification if needed.
6. It's a fetish; you're not really into [insert race here]
Wait just a minute! A person is more than a sexual toy, phase, and fetish. The melanin (or lack thereof) in my skin doesn't make me anymore exotic than plain jane. No one deserves to be belittled down to a fetish.
7. You hate your own race, don't you?
What is this? People have preferences — like that's a thing. A person who prefers grape jelly over strawberry doesn't hate strawberries. People are entitled to their opinions, wants and needs. You can't yuck someone's yum.
8. I don't see color either
My dating habits and preferences aren't about me seeing color but regardless; this statement is utter bull. Color is seen by everyone; it's up to you to decide what you're going to do with it.
9. Questioned about stereotypes about [insert race here]
That's just ignorant beyond belief. Stereotypes are over oversimplified ideas of something and to put it frankly; people are so much more than stereotypes.
10. Must be super awkward being the only [insert race here] at family and friend events
Just like interracial dating, there are inter-mingled families. Nevertheless, family events aren't about race; it's a celebration.
11. I have a [insert race here] friend
We've all heard it; having one [insert race here] friend doesn't make you progressive, and to be honest, it doesn't matter.