Once students enter college, all they can think about are the number of late night hours they need to study for a midterm, the amount of homework assigned or the amount of papers they need to print out for a final essay. The only goal that's on their mind is to walk across the stage.
But what happens when they graduate? What is the next step for them and where will they be working at? Will they have a promising job by the time they graduate? Many professors tell their students that getting involved and networking is a big part of getting to the next level. Another suggestion they give is to get as much experience in your major as possible. That's why internships are important to take when wanting the job in the future. Here are the major reasons why.
1. Resume Builder
The piece of paper that entails the history of experiences and what you are capable of. Internship experience can really boost up your resume and grab the employer's attention. Every internship you take is an additional attention grabber.
2. Real-Life Work Experience
Some college courses can give students the experience they need, but working in an actual company gives the opportunity to work with your peers and learn from your mentors. It can also show you how much work the actual job consists of so that way you already know what to do when you're actually hired. It can also show you if you really like your major or not.
3. Networking
This subject is something that professors and counselors can't stress enough about. Networking is the most important way to get you the job that you've always wanted. After the conclusion of your internship, always keep in contact with your manager because you'll never know when they need help and you will be the first to know an opening position.
4. Greater Chance of Getting a Full-Time Job
After completing an internship, you are more likely to be recognized and talked about from your managers. Strive to be the person that will be remembered and you might get a good chance of officially working for the company. It can also lead to your managers to recommend you to other companies. Again, this all goes back to networking with your managers.
Internships are the best opportunities for students to feel the energy and enthusiasm of their future careers. If your resume appears short and not compact with experiences, you should still consider applying. You most likely won't get a call back from a big company, but might get a call from some place else that will give you necessary experience. Always remember to keep applying and don't stop because one day someone will call you back.