Instead of laying out on the beach, I decide to intern for my summers. For me, this means waking up at 3:30 in the morning, commuting an hour and a half to work, and sitting inside on nice summer days. Here are 5 reasons I choose to intern over my summers.
1. Making money!
Most of the year, I'm a broke college student. Going to school full time and only working part time doesn't give me much money during the school year. This is one reason I searched for a full-time, paid internship. I save most of the money I make for the rest of the school year. Some companies will even let you open a 401K to save extra money for your future.
2. Obtaining job experience
Getting an internship is very beneficial when it comes to your future career endeavors. It gives you experience in a professional work environment and knowledge in that field. You will take the tools you learned in school and apply it to real life situations. It also looks great on a resume. This job experience will look a lot better than your part time fast food job on a resume. This shows future employers that you know what is expected out of you since you have knowledge in a professional atmosphere.
3. Networking and making connections
Internships are great for networking. Most intern programs host networking events to go to. There you can meet managers, fellow interns, and other employees. It's a good way to talk to people about the company and their job duties. You'll meet some really interesting people. Sometimes, there is even free food! One way I network and keep in touch with people is to connect with them on LinkedIn. A lot of job fields suggest having a LinkedIn because it gives you a way to stay in contact will fellow employees without getting too personal.
4. Intern programs and fun
Intern programs are so much fun! This is probably one of my favorite parts about interning. The company I intern for holds ice cream socials, lunch and learns, escape rooms, tickets to baseball games, and meetings designed just for interns. These activities are most likely free so it's like the company is paying for your summer fun! I attended one meeting where they talked about how to control your finances after graduation. For example, trying to balance student loans, rent, bills, and other payments. They also talked about 401K plans and IRAs. This meeting also entailed meeting with other managers and having them review your resume. They gave great advice on what to add and what not to add. These meetings aren't just company oriented, it's great advice that can be used in whatever company you work for.
5. They are a way in
Many companies hire their interns after they graduate. The company I intern for have many employees that started out as interns. Internships are a great way to learn about the company that could be your potential employer. Many companies offer tuition assistance so once you get your bachelors, they will often pay for your masters. Companies want to hire their interns because they already are familiar with their work ethic. This is also good for you because you will already know the company, employees, and what is expected from you.
Even though I would rather be kicking back and relaxing during my summers, interning has made my summers worthwhile. It allows me to save money, learn about my career field, and get used to a full-time professional atmosphere. If you have the chance to get an internship, I highly recommend it!