My Experience Interning At The Cleveland Municipal Court Probation Department | The Odyssey Online
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My Experience Interning At The Cleveland Municipal Court Probation Department

Working in the probation department changed my outlook on things.

My Experience Interning At The Cleveland Municipal Court Probation Department

Before I begin, I want to say that I'm truly grateful to not only my mom for letting me know about this internship opportunity, but I would like to thank Judge Earley for sponsoring me and allowing me to gain new work experiences that I can use later down the road.

When I started working in the central scheduling department, I thought that this internship would be easy. The ladies in the department told me ahead of time that I wouldn't really have that much "hard" work to do. Then I got transferred to the probation department, and things got real.

Working in the probation department allowed me to see the routine and process a defendant goes through when they are placed on court-supervised release. People from young to old and almost every person who has come through those doors all told me the phrases "stay in school," "you're on the right track," and "don't be like me." I've heard stories from people that hit me from a different point of view. My coworkers were also very friendly and helpful, and every time I needed help or advice they were always there to assist me. Plus, they always kept me very busy, so the days went by extremely fast, which is always a plus in my book.

Along with the probation department, I also aided my brother Varno in the bailiff's department with helping with the court sessions and viewing his day-to-day work schedule. Even though it wasn't a lot, I got a sense of what his daily routine is like.

I feel like the whole program itself was an outstanding success. The only thing that I can think of suggesting would be to have more group intern get-together type of events. I feel like it would be a good stress reliever to those who need it the most because certain departments are harder than others. Other than that, I really enjoyed my time here, and I have zero complaints to make.

Again, I just want to thank everyone involved in the process for the opportunity. Even though this was just an internship, this was one of the best jobs that I ever had, and I'm extremely grateful that I was chosen to be involved.

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