With the rise of social media comes many new settings that have not been previously encountered before, and the effects that social media is having on young people are only now becoming apparent. Many members of an older generation are very quick to blame social media, or the internet, and while yes, there are many caveats to the global internet, I feel as though many positives are overlooked with the introduction of this new technology to a younger generation.
One example of this is politics. With March for Our Lives at the forefront of modern politics, many young people find themselves with something they simply didn't have before- a voice. I think that we might be being too quick to dismiss the thoughts and opinions of those younger than us. Just because someone is 16, it doesn't mean that they don't have something valuable to bring to the discussion. I am disheartened seeing fully grown adults attacking survivors of a school shooting, not just because of age, but because of political disagreement. These young people bring valuable insight, and we are able to globalize an idea much quicker than ever before thanks to social media and the internet.
Another good use can be seen through validation. Realistically, there are very few taboo topics on the internet, and mentally ill people are finding a space to openly discuss the stigma surrounding their identity. The same can be said for so many different groups of people, and there is a beauty in being able to see someone's unique upbringing be validated, and discussed. Young people with access to social media are becoming much more culturally aware than previous generations ever had the opportunity to be. There can be mutual understanding and respect in solidarity, that the internet can bring, even from different locations of origin.
The internet and social media is often a scapegoat for what is going wrong with young people in the modern age, but deep down, there's so much merit, and I really think that being quick to dismiss the opportunities that present themselves through modern technology is a dangerous mindset.