ISIP, also known as the International Service Immersion Program at Spring Hill College, can be considered one of the greatest programs at the school. I have the right to say this because I attend Spring Hill, and I am fortunate to be apart of the program this school year.
ISIP has several countries that you can choose to go to in Latin America, including Belize, Guatemala, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, where I will be going. Students usually go on the trips during Mardi Gras break. This year, my Mardi Gras break is combined with my spring break, so I will be out of the country for a full seven days. I could not be more excited!
This trip is something that I am looking forward to practically everyday, especially since I have never travelled out of the country. I have never been on a cruise (I know...crazy right?). I am so thankful to be going out of the country for the first time and to give back to those in need, especially.
I have no idea what to expect when I arrive in the Dominican Republic. What I love about the ISIP program is that each group has weekly meetings, where we learn about the country we are going to in depth. Topics include politics, food, entertainment and culture. These meetings have definitely helped me to become more knowledgeable and even more anxious to go there.
I have my fears, such as getting sick, becoming overwhelmed and the fact that my family will be thousands of miles away. God, however, has placed his hand over me so that I can step out of my comfort zone and hopefully, make a difference in the world.
If you would like to follow me on my journey to the Dominican Republic, stay tuned for surprises coming your way!