The fashion design and production major has impacted my life in a few major ways. It has had ups and downs, many stressful moments, moments of tears, moments of pure exhaustion, but most importantly, moments of absolute success and accomplishment. It is probably one of the most intense majors, not to put any other majors down, because it involves time crunches and so much work in these time crunches. It is a major of hate for your work, but then when you finally see it finished, pure joy and love for what you did.
This major has torn me down and built me back up. It is one that makes you realize the importance of time and how effort is important. Fashion design really stripped me of any thoughts I had on time management and organization. Design showed me that I need to focus intently on my work and really strive to get things done earlier rather than later. When reflecting on this semester of school, that wasn’t always the case. I have worked very hard to shift my views on last minute work. I have tried to start assignments when I get them because now I realize that deadlines come quickly and are very strict. They are almost unchangeable. This realization came about thanks to my professors. They have been detrimental to my personal growth in these departments. The organization comes from the way that you manage yourself. Organization is important in time management and in efficiency. It is a way of life for me now, and when I am unorganized in the physical world, I am unorganized in my mental and emotional world and this will translate into my work.
Learning to take baby steps in the work you do is also so important in this major. If you can’t take little steps to complete your work or to improve upon what you have done, how will you ever learn. This part of the fashion design major can be very tedious and time consuming. Undoing the work that you have already completed to make it better is an aspect of the major that happens a lot. Although you will be unhappy when this happens, it will be worth it in the end. Learning to take a step back and look at the beautiful work that is done and then improving on this more is essential to succeed. Thankfully, after you struggle through all of this stuff that doesn't seem necessary, you will look at all you have achieved and know that it was worth the struggle.
With all that I have learned in the fashion design and production major, I find that the best experiences and lessons came from the ones that I have struggled with the most. The major may be very rigorous and will make you want to rip hair out, but in the end, it is a method of creative expression, a way to play with your own personality and is rewarding in many ways. Fashion design may not be easy, but if you are on the fence somewhere about joining a fashion program, do it. It teaches, offers opportunities and shows the amazing progress you can make.