Recently, my Twitter and Facebook pages have been overtaken by a single picture. This picture reads with a variation of the phrase, "A 4.0 student isn't smarter than a 2.0 student. They've just learned how to memorize better." I'll admit to the unpopular opinion and say that this post has infuriated me, as I see it getting retweeted and reposted across social media. I am well aware that in some case this is true; your GPA is not the only measurement of intelligence. Why, though, have we resorted to shaming those that get a 4.0 by saying they're not really smart? I work hard for my grades because I know that it impacts my future. I pay attention and try hard in my classes and the effort shows -- it is not just my ability to memorize that keeps my GPA high.
I sincerely believe that there are incredibly intelligent people in the world who have GPAs that might say otherwise; however, these people, I know, aren't ones that would openly attack a 4.0 student because they too can recognize that intelligence comes in different forms. To me, these posts are ways for others who are insecure about how their intelligence is measured on paper or feel threatened by others, to lash out and shame others so that they might feel better about the way they live their lives.
I challenge you, though, to answer this question; what good does it bring you to shame those that work for a higher GPA?
I know that there are some scenarios where a grade is measured by memorization, and that isn't always fair, but it is no excuse to shame anyone else for doing well. We must stop shaming others for their choices. We must stop blaming others for when we fail rather than just taking responsibility, wiping off the failure, and trying again. If college isn't your thing (and it isn't for many people) then embrace your strengths and continue your walk in life. Don't blame others because this path didn't work out for you, and don't claim that those that have a 4.0 are unintelligent just because it is not necessarily what you have. Memorization is not all that goes into a "quality GPA," and to claim that is putting down the work that others have done to better their future. I think if one works hard for their future, then they will oftentimes not be disappointed, that is nothing to be ashamed over.
I must clarify that I am not saying that the other end of this scenario is okay either. Those with a 4.0 should not shame a 2.0 student. We don't know what happens in any given situation, so we cannot assess why a situation turns out the way it does.
Instead of shaming each other, I think it is time we embrace one another's separate skills and learn to work together to create a better future. Each individual person has their own separate set of skills and it is no one's place to judge or put down those skills. It is time we take responsibility for ourselves and begin accepting one another rather than shaming each other for talents we possess.