One of my pet peeves is when someone makes fun of me because of my major. No, I didn't choose a major in STEM or law or whatever. I didn't want to, and I don’t have to choose one of the “superior” majors just because you say so. I can succeed at any major that I want, but I’m not going to put myself through years of college for a degree for a job that would make me miserable. The fact that I didn’t choose a STEM major or pre-med or pre-law doesn't mean my major is inferior in any way, and it definitely doesn’t mean that I’m inferior. It just means my major is different, and that's more than okay.
Your major does not make you any better or any worse than anyone else!
Our society needs people with a large variety of majors to keep or improve our current standard of living. Every major and occupation has some sort of value. Not everyone needs to be an engineer, doctor, nurse, or lawyer.For example, you could engineer the greatest product in the world, but without a "lowly" marketing or advertising major like myself, for instance, how would people discover your product?And you could save hundreds of lives, but without artists, art majors, sports majors, etc., our lives may be dull. What's the point of a long life if it's so boring that it's not worth living?
Furthermore, it’s extremely rude to give people unsolicited advice about anything, including what majors they choose to pursue. If someone asks for your opinion, by all means, give an honest but respectful opinion. Otherwise, it’s probably wise to just keep your mouth shut. No one likes to be told how to live, so why do so many of you give people disrespectful and unsolicited “advice”?
Just stop. People don’t need to choose certain majors just to please you. If everyone picked a STEM major, a pre-med track, a pre-law track, etc., what a dysfunctional society we would live in. Let people live their lives the way they want.
Next time you start to insult someone's major or occupation, please think twice and realize that not everyone needs to be like you.And next time someone tries to insult your major, please don't let it get to you and remember that you and your major have value.