All college students know how stressful exam time is. We begin thinking about our exams way ahead of, wondering how many questions it will be, if it will take the whole time, or if we studied enough. Since exam week is the last week of the semester, we also tend to get distracted and think about many others things. Actually, we often end up doing things other than studying. Here's a list of seven things that we end up doing instead of studying.
1. Cleaning
College kids never clean, but for some reason we decide a good time to do it is when we need to be studying. The room always looks dirtier when you have a book in your hand, or maybe we just choose not to notice until then.2. Eating
Yes, obviously everyone needs to eat but food always looks better when you have exams. I mean, you might have just eaten dinner but maybe you should make some cookies. Or a five course meal for your roommates. It'll only take a little time, right?3. Packing
You're leaving in a couple days, you should start packing up for home. Let's try to shove our whole room into one suitcase and then go through everything in your room after it all won't fit. Perfect time to do that.4. Netflix
5. Shop
You've just been so focused on school that you forgot when you get home it's almost Christmas. You haven't bought gifts yet! Now's the perfect time to shop for everyone, you'll be even more stressed out if you don't.
6. Work Out
6. Shower
You're so stressed out that you decide a nice, warm shower would help you relax. You turn on some music and next thing you know, you're performing in the shower and you sound way too good to get out anytime soon. Plus, you still feel stressed, so you're going to stay in a little longer.
7. Sleep
You are way too tired to remember any of this stuff. You're just going to take a quick power nap - twenty minutes tops. You wake up after twenty minutes and aren't feeling it. Five more minutes will help. Then five minutes turns into a hour and then suddenly you wake up and it's morning.
So as you can see, there are plenty of other things that need to be done before studying for exams. Don't worry though, you'll pull through and get everything done. Even though these things are distracting, make time to study! Just remember, it's almost break!