April 8, 2016, around 2 p.m. was a very historic day for Campbell University. We had an installation ceremony for our fifth president, J. Bradley Creed. He is a Texas native, who has held various positions at Samford University and Baylor University. He is married to our wonderful first lady of the university, Mrs. Kathy Creed. They have two children: Charles Vernon and Carrie Grace. Our university is so lucky to have such a wonderful man as our president who has support from his wonderful family.
The ceremony began the Entry of the University Mace. I didn't exactly know what that was until I read about it in the book we received for the ceremony. The University Mace is a tradition and does have a purpose. Its design is to reflect the university's Christian purpose. "The Mace's boss is a sphere topped by the Celtic Cross and supported by six flanges. The Celtic Cross represents the early and continuing faith of the Christians who settled in the Cape Fear Region and who helped establish Campbell. The sphere represents the world that Campbell is committed to serve, through it students, alumni, faculty, and staff. The flanges represent the support of friends, churches, foundations, and institutions. The seals within the flanges represent Campbell's 129-year history and the authority under which the university bestows degrees." (Page 9 of the booklet)
As the Staff, Faculty, Marshals, Delegates, Trustees and Deans along with Dr. Creed were led into the convocation center there was excitement throughout the atmosphere. The ROTC Battalion Color Guard presented the flags while the Campbell University Wind Ensemble & Symphony led the National Anthem. Faith Beam led a prayer for Dr. Creed and for his wisdom as he leads as the next President. Dr. Hammond introduced and welcomed all of our distinguished guests.
Amos N. Jones, the Assistant Professor of Law, read Psalm 1, and after he finished the congregation sand the hymn, "Jesus,Savior, Pilot Me."I didn't know that these two things had such an importance to the university until reading the description about them on Friday. When J.A Campbell opened the Buies Creek Academy on January 5, 1887, in a small room at the local Baptist church, sixteen students ranging from ages 6 to 21, showed up for classes, while five older boys helped build a schoolhouse nearby. Campbell was ecstatic. As students entered the makeshift classroom, he greeted each one: 'Well, well. You've come to school! Now I wonder if you can spell by heart?' He then led them in singing one of his favorite hymns. "Jesus,Savior, Pilot Me." Afterward, he read aloud Psalm 1. For as long as J.A Campbell lived, the school began each new academic year with the singing of the hymn and the reading of the passage." (Page 9 of the booklet.) I am so proud and honored to know that the songs, and scripture that our university was founded on still holds true today.
Our 4th President and Chancellor, Jerry M. Wallace spoke of his favorite things about Dr. Creed and how he knew Dr. Creed was the perfect fit for Campbell. "I'm convinced from the bottom of my heart to the top of my head that Dr. Creed is the right person to lead Campbell in the years ahead. And we get Kathy too!"
There were many distinguished guests at the event who spoke to honor and support Dr. Creed: Andrew Westmoreland, Samford Univeristy President; David J. Hailey, Member of the Board of Trustees; Dr. Womick, who spoke on behalf of the faculty and staff; Nick Hudson, President of SGA; Hope Williams, the President of the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities. All of these people spoke highly of Dr. Creed and had wonderful things to say about him.
Leah M. Devlin, a Member of the Board of Trustees, led Dr. Creed in a covenant of the installation. Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Creed placed the Medallion and Chain around Dr. Creed's neck and named him the fifth President of Campbell University. Dr. Creed's Installation Address was my favorite part of the whole evening. He described Campbell as a place of opportunities. So many different types of people come to Campbell to leave this place to do something people never thought they could. "Through Campbellwe all have an opportunity to make a difference. And we make a difference by following a sense of calling to serve for the blessings of others and for the sake of the world. Your vocation is not just your job; it is the work God calls you to do in the world."- Dr. Creed
My favorite quote throughout his entire speech was: "We have the opportunity to change the world- one course, one program, one project, one student at a time. Campbell is your opportunity; and when God opens a door of opportunity, walk through it."
The ceremony ended with the hymn, Lean on, O King Israel, and the singing of our Alma Mater. Dr. & Mrs. Creed were lead through a "student tunnel" to their reception where they greeted guests and were congratulated on such an honor.I'm so thankful to have been apart of this wonderful day and to be apart of Campbell's history. I'm thankful for the Presidential Selection Committee who chose such a wonderful, Godly, and foundational man to be the President of our wonderful institution. Also to all the people who planned, set up, cooked, and everyone who was involved in making this event possible — thank you!
Best of Wishes to you Dr. Creed! Congratulations on this honor, I can't wait to see what's in store for the university! You have already made so many wonderful changes, and I can't wait to watch us grow! #CongratsDrCreed