Not only will you be able to report, block or delete users/images, you can now anonymously flag posts about self-harm and suicide. This isn't to hurt the user or the flagger. Actually, the opposite. Instagram will notify the user who posted the flagged material, and will send them a message notifying them that somebody has acknowledged their tough time and offers help. This may be in the form of guiding him/her to support groups, the suicide hotline, and coping methods. This tool is created to let people in pain and need know that others are paying attention and aware of your pain! They care and want to help any way that they can. Before, if you saw a post that was alarming, it was difficult to figure out a right method of approach because sometimes it could be a stranger. Now Instagram has made this process easier and more accessible, according to Instagram COO Marne Levine.
Instead of relying on an algorithm like other report functions, Instagram will have a team of suicide prevention members to carefully evaluate each report to determine whether somebody is vulnerable or not. This is amazing considering social media is a huge outlet for those who are suffering from depression, anxiety or suicide thoughts. Instagram parent tool, Facebook, also has introduced similar tools for suicide prevention. This is all anonymous, which is comforting, and silicon valley has been focusing more and more on mental illness and how its shown through social media. This is a huge idea, and it will impact millions and possibly save thousands of lives from being taken.
We all know of Madison Holleran, UPenn freshman track star, who jumped to her death just after posting on Instagram a picture of the park she was in view of. If we can prevent things like that from happening, that is phenomenol.