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10 Tips For Writing Killer Insta Captions On Days When You Have Zero Creativity To Speak Of

Your pictures deserve more than a palm tree emoji.

10 Tips For Writing Killer Insta Captions On Days When You Have Zero Creativity To Speak Of

I get it, you're struggling with writing a clever caption for your Insta post and you need some help getting those creative juices flowing. Maybe you're struggling so much that you just decide to not post anything at all, which is truly a sad day for everyone.

We've all been there and I wish I could've turned to an article like this a time or 12 thousand. Luckily, I've pulled some ideas together and, though they may start off as something cliche', you can easily put your own twist to them and create caption/comedy gold.

Here are 10 ideas that are guaranteed to guide you in the direction of that perfect Instagram caption!

Embrace your narcissism.

Focus solely on you.

Introduce yourself whether it be sarcastically, because you haven't posted in a while, or you're just starting a page.

Write some fun and/or random facts about you, something dating back to your childhood, being a neat freak despite living in a pig-sty, weird hobbies, talk about your day, the list could go on and on.

Voice an unpopular opinion (that you believe in). 

Unpopular opinions have become a popular trend in the social media world. In fact, it's gotten to the point where this trendy little intro has exposed opinions that are actually popular- it's just that no one talks about them because people feel like they're alone. Explore some things that you think may be unpopular opinions! The catch? Try to come up with something that hasn't been used already. It'll definitely get your gears turning.

A 'grinds my gears' segment.

Speaking of gears, if you're a fan of Family Guy, perhaps you're familiar with Peter Griffin's brief news segment that opens with "You know what really grinds my gears?" Use this as inspiration to start your own rant. Life can be crazy, people can be annoying, so use this to get your rant started so you can get some things off your chest that have been bugging you.

You'll feel better afterward. It's like writing a letter and never sending it- except you're posting it for the entire world to see. Who knows? You might get some people commenting "Same" or "Why is this such a mood?"

Your "Grinds My Gears" segment might turn into a popular-unpopular opinion.

Life update.

This is perfect for those who don't post on Instagram too much. The plus side to Instagram is that if this is, in fact, you, your followers receive notifications that you posted "for the first time in a while." You get a free advertisement, so you might as well make the most of it!

Write a life update - all the ups and downs, accomplishments and speed bumps, all the fun and interesting stuff that you've encountered since the last time you posted. For the few followers that actually take the time to read Instagram captions (shout out to the real ones), they'll actually support and congratulate you!...even though they could've done the same thing by picking up their phones and called.

Regardless, brag about your life so far. Update them that your life is going great, or maybe that it's not. This can easily be tied in with #1- embrace your narcissism.

Two truths and a lie.

We all know that Instagram is filled with everyone only posting the highlights of their lives and rarely the reality of what's going on. Everyone knows it but what they don't know is the truth sandwiched between two lies.

Make the endless scrolling and double-tapping fun for your followers by engaging their minds in a little game, two truths and a lie. The choices are yours, but make them good ones!

'What I wish I knew before.'

This is perfect for those just starting high school, college, or any first job post-graduation. Sometimes the real world and adulting hits us like a train and there are always things that we wish we knew before jumping ship, only to be drowning in real-world responsibilities.

With this being said, this post can be totally personalized or follow a trend. Either way, I can guarantee you're not alone. You just may need to talk about it so you can find someone and you'll be able to struggle with life together.

Or if you've gotten past some obstacles, help out those who don't have their lives together yet. While there's always room to improve yourself, you can assist others in reach those same milestones with helpful advice.


Remember those Monthly Challenges that we used to participate in during the middle school and early high school days? Revert back to that a little bit by bragging about your cute #ootd or the delicious meal you're about to eat. Although, you should prepare yourself: food bloggers get a bad rap because everyone does it.

Also, avoid gross bathroom selfies!


When in doubt, post a throwback! Your caption ultimately depends on the content of your photo but it's a great way to look back at great memories and get a glimpse into the good 'ole days.

Senior Sunday, Selfie Sunday, who knows the difference when either applies to you? Regardless, find some good lighting, take a cute selfie, and brag about your awesome features. Maybe apply the ideas above to the post to make the content shine brighter. If you're still lacking creativity you can always resort to a simple hashtag and come back to it later.

Instagram vs. reality

Everyone's Instagram represents the highlights of their life but never the reality. People post what they want people to know rather than the stone-cold truth, then wonder why people, strangers, may perceive them as fake. While this is solely a societal problem because some things truly aren't everyone's business, this is a way to let people into the reality of what it takes to capture that perfect Instagramable photo.

Take the best one out of the group that you planned on posting anyway, then find the most derpy-probably-embarrassing photo out of the bunch and post them together. That way, people can get to know the real you aside from the Instagram Model status you're trying to achieve. People will see that you can embrace both sides of yourself and that is SO important with the #bodyposi and #selflove movements.

While this provides an idea for the photos rather than the caption itself, it's a great way to add flair to your Instagram with the same amount of creative juices that it takes to make a clever Insta caption. If your creative juices are still flowing, it's time to bring out the "Alt Cap" captions! Thus, bringing us to...

'Alternate Caption' (Alt Cap)

If you have some sort of theme going where you only write "mood" or put an emoji in your caption line, add some flair to your caption and add an 'alt cap' that'll represent your actual thoughts.

This can range from everything listed above to random thoughts like "I'm in the mood for some pizza". This is truly your time and place to get creative and is ideal for showcasing your quirky side. Let your followers see the real you, boo boo. They're in for a treat.

Now open Instagram and get started on that perfect Insta caption!!

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