In 2018, everything is digital. Using Instagram as a means to post random content is no longer acceptable. Why not use your Instagram as a digital scrapbook? Following these steps, your Instagram will be the envy of all your friends.
1. How frequently are you going to be posting?
This will determine the consistency of your content, especially when you are creating the images you are going to be posting in your scrapbook.
2. The layout of your pictures.
Thinking about how your content is going to fit together visually on a page is essential to making a profile that can organize your posts in some kind of chronological order. For example, I have recently decided to organize my feed by alternating color schemes for every 8 posts and using a photo with a white background to display my artwork.
3. Using a color scheme.
This is what will keep somebody interested in your profile- think clickbait- and continue to scroll because of how all the colors dance and create a visual symphony.
4. What is your content?
I try to make my posts spontaneous, and true to what I would want to remember in the future, and I do not confine myself to specific posts. Usually, I have pictures of me in a certain environment that I visited because it makes me think about the things that I was doing in that moment that somebody else photographed me.
5. Use geo-locations for all your photos.
Instagram has a map feature, in which you can access where you were when you posted all your pictures. Now you have an instant map of where you’ve been and have pictures that are correspondent to it!
6. Connections and Collaborations.
As you begin to generate content and grow your following because of the consistency of your page, other people who create similar content potentially will want to collaborate with you. This can lead to job opportunities, inseparable friendships, and so much more.
7. Scheduling posts.
As tedious as this may seem, planning what times you post will increase your engagement and create a consistent time that everyone in your network can follow.
8. Have fun and most of all, stay true to your vision.
Making sure that all of your content represents you as a person and shows pictures of things that you love and capture fleeting moments of time you have chosen to document- for whatever reason that may be.