Social media is an amazing thing, but it can also be a detrimental place for your self-esteem and mental headspace. So why not experiment with it and see where it takes me!
I have always enjoyed fashion and putting clothes together, so I started a brand new instagram with simply that. Me, putting outfits together and posing in front of a self timer, what can go wrong! My idea here is to post a picture everyday and see what happens. Will hashtags propel me in a good direction or will simple one line captions push me to get more followers.
I think that the whole point of this experiment is to help me get out of the rut I've been in all of quarantine. I haven't ever liked the way I look or the way my body looks. Being stuck inside the house with a mother who judges your every move hasn't been helpful, so I think I've fell into a small hole and am trying to climb out. Maybe this instagram will help me feel somewhat better about myself, maybe this instagram page could lead to new opportunities (that I doubt). But I'm going to try to be consistent and push myself out of where I am comfortable. 2020 is almost over and maybe the next year will bring something greater, but one can only hope.
Maybe I'm putting too much hope into this project. I'm not really the most attractive person (and thanks to Tiktok, I feel even worse about myself!) so this will probably go nowhere. But maybe will a little time, a little faith and a little exposure, I can become something that I never thought possible.
Wish me good luck and hope for what this future leads me down. To becoming a name that's hopefully well known somewhere.