There’s a new group of girls who are taking the Instagram world by storm. They are candid, risque, and could care less what you think of them. They are either clad in Agent provocateur lingerie, or not clothed at all. Perhaps, that’s what has garnered them so much attention and what has made them so popular with this new generation; they are completely raw and real. For so long, and still to this day, people’s photos are coated in filters and airbrushed to the point that they look like wax figures at Madame Tussauds. However, this trend is beginning to die. People are embracing their curves, their freckles, and anything else that has been deemed a “flaw” in the past. One young woman in particular, Eileen Kelly (@killerandasweetthang on Instagram), is excelling at being provocative. However, she’s doing it with class. She gives her followers glimpses into her Manhattan lifestyle, and talks about some rather touchy subjects on her blog. In recent years, she has become an advocate for safe-sex, and has even received a sex education certificate from Planned Parenthood. She has opened up a new section on her website called “Birds&Bees”. This is a place where girls and guys can sign up (for free!) and get tips and advice on sex, personal hygiene, and other issues that affect young adults today. She is a prime example of a social-media star who has used their platform and voice for good.
Sarah Snyder is another social-media starlet who has been introduced to the world in a rather scandalous manner. In case you didn’t know, Snyder is a model and (more famously known as) the baby-faced girlfriend of Jaden Smith. You can catch her sitting poolside in a Baywatch bathing suit, or on the sidelines of runway shows holding hands with her high-profile beau. The reason why people are so drawn to Sarah on Instagram is not just because of her model-good looks and impeccable style, but the fact that we can receive small, intimate glimpses into her glamorous relationship. Often times, we don’t see celebrities in private moments. We see them through the eyes of the pestering paparazzi or on the covers of magazines decked out in luxury clothing. We do not see the things in their personal lives that make them happy. The smile on Jaden Smith’s face when he is in pictures with Snyder is very different than the smile we see on the red carpet; it exudes genuine happiness. In these Instagram posts, we can see that this is a young couple that is truly happy with one another and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about it.
Some people may get annoyed that I am referring to these people as “stars” or “celebrities”. In a sense they are; we are intrigued by them, we like to stay up-to-date on their lives, and they influence our lives be it with style or overall aesthetic. I really dislike this term, but they are “goals” *cringe*. Have we blown their online presence out of proportion? A bit, but social media has become the new tool to use to become known by others. It used to be that you had to have some sort of talent (singing, dancing, acting, etc.) to become famous. Now, as long as you have the look and the appeal, you’re golden. Goodbye are the days you had to audition or interview to get your dream job. Now, you can make a brand of yourself at the click of a button.