Panic! At The Disco stole the show when the lead singer penned and released a hit song at the age of just 18. Since then, they have developed a loyal fanbase that has followed them throughout the years, tolerating or rejoicing in their change of style while mainstream audiences are equally happy to hop on board whenever their songs make the local radio station. The one thing that hasn't seemed to change is P!ATD's beautifully sophisticated, phrased, and deeply layered lyrics. Let's just take a second to appreciate the amazing lyrics and quotes P!ATD is able to produce within every song.
1. "Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer? Never looked better, and you can't stand it."
Ben Hershey
― Panic! at the Disco, "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey. You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet"
Panic! tends to sing confidence and danger in every song, filling the hearts of every alternative kids with an edge that takes quite a bit to inspire.
2. "I was born to cut a million, cut my teeth and made a killing."
Sharon McCutcheon
― Panic! at the Disco, "(F**k A) Silver Lining"
Panic!'s assurance at their own success is something that everyone should stop and take a couple seconds to envy.
3. "Stop stalling, make a name for yourself. Boy, you better put that pen to paper. Charm your way out."
Kelly Sikkema
― Panic! at the Disco, "London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines"
The ease and consistency of the quality and consistency of music for Brendon Urie and his band have more than just musicians envious--writers lust after the perfect lyric or prose that they seem to be able to slap on any page without thought.
4. "Well, we're just a wet dream for the webzine. Make us it, make us hip, make us scene. Or shrug us off your shoulders. Don't approve a single word that we wrote."
Peter Blanken
― Panic! at the Disco, "London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines"
Panic! often speaks of being the outcast that is successful despite mainstream media; it seems as if Panic! has managed to change the definition of mainstream music and replace it with their name.
5. "If you talk, you better walk. You better back your shit up with more than good hooks while you're all under the gun."
Andre Hunter
― Panic! at the Disco, "London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines"
Brendon Urie and his band have not once strayed from their "outcast" style of living on the edge while trying to fight their way to above middle-class living.
6. "Just for the record the weather today is slightly sarcastic, with a good chance of A. indifference and B. disinterest in what the critics say."
Wim van't Einde
― Panic! at the Disco, "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out"
They're also commonly known for their witty rhetoric that slightly roasts people who consider themselves the judge, or critic, of what Panic! says of how they sound.
7. "If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then I should sink my jewelry to the sea, for diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me."
Artem Bali
― Panic! at the Disco, "Northern Downpour"
Brendon Urie speaks an incredible and endearing amount of how much of a dream he is living in--a self awareness the fanbase is known to drool over along with his appearance.
8. "Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you. You looked at death in a tarot card and you saw what you had to do,"
Molly Martirez
― Panic! at the Disco, "Dying in LA"
Panic! has managed to inspire people along while inspiring themselves by sharing their journey, the struggles of it, and the success.