During this holiday season, I've had some time to reflect on where I am now and what it's taken to get me here. My personal growth can be attributed to the many role models and mentors in life, for sure. However, I want to take a moment to recognize that the changes I've made in my life are because I pushed myself to make them. I've been inspiring myself lately.
When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a person who is more mentally healthy than ever before. I see a person who recognizes and appreciates all parts of herself, even the flaws.
I flash back to the days when I would look at myself and see a person struggling, and loved myself through it all.
I'm proud of myself for not just hearing and listening to the advice I received, but taking it into action.
When I became unhappy with my size I didn't let it overcome with me and stop me from getting to the point I desired. When I became unsatisfied with the people I hung around, I made the conscious effort to make that change. When I looked and what I was doing and realized it didn't align with my goal and values I made an adjustment.
I did that.
When we overcome a hurdle, it's easy to thank everyone who helped us get there, understandably. However, I encourage you to look at yourself first for that thanks.
Taking the reins of your own life is easier said than done, and it's a step that you took to better yourself.
Never forget to inspire yourself; never forget to see where you are and where you came from and recognize that the willingness to push forward is from you.
As we enter the new year, I encourage you to look back on the trials and tribulations you have experienced. Recognize that you've made it to a new year, and celebrate all that you have accomplished.
If you're going through something currently, never underestimate your own strength.
Lean on others as needed, of course; but, never forget to inspire yourself every once in a while.