Inspire: to fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Inspiration is a feeling, like happiness or bliss. In fact, it’s basically the productive version of happiness. On almost a daily basis you hear many say they want to be happy but why do we less frequently hear from people who want to be inspired. Inspiration is the main driver for our best work. Almost no earthly force or energy can stop you from completing your task while you’re inspired. An inspired act is enjoyable and passionate and produces meaningful creations. Maybe this extremely productive mental high that we experience in spurts is commonly hard to find because of the desirable qualities. If happiness is sought after, inspiration is that diamond in the rough. Maybe we, as humans, cannot function at that high a level for extended periods of time due to the energy draining qualities of inspiration. These qualities of inspiration, productivity along with the short window of opportunity we have to capitalize on, makes it one of the most highly sought after feelings.
With the amazing qualities of inspiration, comes the common thread sang best by the Rolling Stones: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. Writer’s block may be the simplest example of a struggle to find inspiration in your work. The struggle to find inspiration can come from a number of sources all of which are completely subjective to the individual. Hectic schedules are probably the greatest culprit in this pursuit of inspiration. With busy schedules come many side effects to watch out for such as (just to list a few): exhaustion, stress, organizational faults, time allocation for enjoyment, lack of nutrition, and a weathered connection with the world around you. Daily life struggles can barr your inspiration just as effectively (just to name a few): insecurities, friends can definitely prevent you from hitting your potential, and undefined goals. These are all valid reasons to lack inspiration but this is too powerful an attribute to let negativity drain your potential. There are many simple ways to evoke this beautiful feeling just by a slight routine change or change of thinking.
The key primary step in finding your inspiration is to define your goals. By goals, I mean life goals. What do you want to get out of life? Think about everything that you personally can accomplish in your life, visualize it, and formulate it into written goals. Once you create tangible goals you can begin to incrementally improve each day to reach them. You will begin to constantly think about these daily and if you properly track your progress either by brain-logging or physically writing down your progress, you will start to feel and be inspired to keep pushing towards progression. Your goals will consume you and that may be daunting but that will allow you to reach them at the highest level. Initially harnessing your source of inspiration is critically important but how do you find ways to become inspired to do things unrelated to your goals? Personally, I source my inspiration from God and make it a goal of mine to absorb as much knowledge, engage in as many positive human interactions, and create as many positive actions and reactions as possible to continue to grow as an individual and apply it effectively to my other life goals and daily living. This is my way from the source, but you need to find your way.
Finding the source is the key to maintaining and harnessing your inspiration when you need it most. This will come to you through self-reflection and will only surface from your deepest passions and beliefs. Finding meaning in the seemingly unimportant flow of daily life is a product of continuous inspiration. Your ambitions and source need to be on your mind all the time, you need to live out your aspirations on a daily basis. Thankfulness is another strong player for creating positivity in your daily routine. All of this takes time. Lots of time. It is a product of practice, of repetition, and of a desire for greatness. My way of keeping my goals at the front of my mind is by spending time daily in prayer and getting into the Word as frequently as I am able. When I am unable to do these on a daily basis, I find my day lacking a real purpose that I can really feel and it chain reacts to affect all the other aspects of your day. The more you pray, meditate, self-reflect, whatever it may be to find your source, the stronger you will become in channeling your inspiration in the toughest of times.
Inspiration is by far my favorite feeling on planet earth. It fills you with energy and positivity. Anything can be accomplished from mastering this art of self-evoking inspiration. If you put in the work, you will unlock the beauty and potential of this powerful feeling and let it permeate in the world around you. This is a journey of your soul but you will get to the point where you find it hard to lose that inspiration that you fought so hard to find. Likewise, with all that is great in your life, it will take work and the amount of dedication you possess will reflect in your inspired work.