Some days no matter how hard you try, you just cannot seem to get a grip on things. Maybe you're too lazy or tired. Maybe you are discouraged from past failures. Maybe it is just too difficult. Whatever the case, we all need a little inspiration to kick us into gear. Who better to inspire us to greatness and beyond than the heroic leaders and thinkers of the past, who did the very same thing for their peers. So, when life has got you down, just keep scrolling.
So the writer of that great quote remains in the dark, but the author's words and their meaning light the way to greatness.
Walt Whitman, as an iconic American poet, had no shortage of elegant words. But, given his kind heart and aspiration to cure America's grief after the Civil War, the above quote seems most fitting.
We all put up fronts to please others, but when push comes to shove, one can only be truly happy when happy with oneself.
Stick with something and eventually, it will become reality. Which is, to say the least, a difficult thing to do when one is beyond frustrated. Take a break - not too long, though--and keep at it because eventually it will kneel before your tenacity.
As a female rights activist and humanitarian, Roosevelt dreamed big and she knew exactly what dreaming could do.
Well, I'm inspired and, hopefully, you are too. So got out there and sieze the day. Let nothing stop you, as you push forward and conquer any challenge that dares to halt your passage!