10 quotes to add a smile to your day during midterms!
1. For when you need a little help believing in yourselfÂ
"If you could believe in Santa Clause for like 8 years, you can believe in yourself for like 5 minutes" - Unknown
In college, we all have moments of self doubt. Whether its "did I study enough for this test" or "do these people like me." we all have those moments. Sometimes you need to reassure yourself in your abilities and attributes and take that step forward.
2. For when plan A doesn't go as plannedÂ
"If plan A doesn't work, stay cool, theres 25 more letters in the alphabet"- Claire Cook
We've all had that moment where something does not go as planned. Whether its not getting the internship you wanted or realizing someones not who you thought they were. Its upsetting at first, buts "stay cool" move on to plan B.
3. For when your feeling a little downÂ
"Life is short, smile while you still have teeth"-Mallory Hopkins
Take every opportunity to smile. The other day my General Psych teacher played a video of a baby babbling. I was having a rough day prior to this, but that baby's face lifted my spirits even if just for a moment. Look for little reasons to smile every day. There's always a reason to smile and always a reason to frown, the choice is yours.
4. In case you forget you're awesomeÂ
Sometimes you just need a hug and someone to tell you "you're awesome." so in case no ones told you this today, you are so incredibly loved and worth it. Sending a virtual hug to every awesome person reading this.
5. When you lose motivationÂ
"People often say that motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing, thats why we recommend it daily"- Zig Ziglar
Remind yourself of your goals often. Putting in the work is hard, but the moment you achieve your goal is worth all the steps it took to get there. Whether your goal is big or small, they matter, remind yourself that you and your dreams are worth it.
6. When you forget your self worthÂ
"Never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst, you're a pink starburst." - Unknown
Its important to stick up for yourself when you're being mistreated. You are all beautiful individuals worthy and deserving of love and happiness. Be confident in who you are and what you deserve.
7. When you loose your sparkleÂ
"A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure."- Henry Kissinger
Being put under pressure is hard but sometimes you grow from the experience. Stress and hard times can make you a better, stronger person. Turn your stresses into lessons.
8. For when times get hardÂ
"If you're going through hell, keep going" -Winston Churchill
No matter how hard things are, take a step back and keep going. Times can be tough but you're strong too. Things will always get better, you just have to keep going.
9. For when your dreams seem impossibleÂ
"Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible" -Miguel de Unamuno
No matter how impossible your dreams seem, you can achieve them if you work hard and stay focused. There are always bumps in the road but sticking to your dreams is how you reach them.
10. For when you feel like no one cares
"Whenever you feel like sad just remember that there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about it is you"- Unknown
Even if it feels like no one cares, someone does. Whether it's a parent, a professor, or a friend, there is always someone who cares about you. Keep your head up. You are all so unbelievably loved.
Have a great semester and remember that you are strong and capable. Keep your head up and remember how great you all are. :)