"It is what it is. It was what it was. It will be what it will be. Don't stress." | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

6 Inspirational Quotes To Help You Survive These Final Few Weeks Of School

Summer is quickly approaching, and with this mindset, you will end this school year on a positive note.

Amanda Brennan

Some weeks, an idea for an Odyssey article pops in my head right away and words start pouring. But, other weeks, the writer's block is so strong, and I can't think of an idea for my life. That was this week.

Going to friends for advice, one of them told me, "write what you need to hear," and that quote stuck with me. Thoughts and words filled my head of what I need to hear right now and made me realize that others do too. It made me think of everything I have accomplished so far, and what I have yet to do before this life-changing school year comes to a close.

With only two short weeks left before finals begin, we all need some inspiration to keep chugging along and pursuing our dreams. Say no more: these quotes will help you find the energy to finish this academic year strong, and even make you excited for the semesters to come.

"It is what it is. It was what it was. It will be what it will be. Don't stress."


You can't change the past. Plain and simple. Yes, it can be hard to accept, but it is important to realize that the future is bright, and only you can make the worst situations a little brighter.

"It is not your job to be everything to everyone."



It is easy to get caught up in trying to please everyone. It's a natural feeling that everyone wants to accomplish because, well, you end up pleasing yourself when you please someone. But, it is so important to remember that life does not work like that, and not everything will always be in your favor, but pushing forward and remembering that is key. You can not please everyone.

"Don't let the bad days make you think you have a bad life."

Bad Day quote

Everyone has their bad days. Sometimes it's hard to tell since it's easy to go to class and fake a smile or post fun, sunny pictures on Instagram. It is important to remember that just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you're the only one who is. Chances are, someone down the hall is struggling today too and just remember that you will get through it because there's a bright path ahead just waiting for you to explore it.

"She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her."

She overcame

This is important to remember... you can do it. You will get over this mountain, and continue to push others. Challenges are placed into your life just so you can prove to the world that you have the ability to conquer anything thrown at you.

"Whatever you are looking for is looking for you too."

Looking for quote

Think and reflect on your goals in life. Maybe you want to be Google's next CEO, or a top performing doctor, maybe even the starring role in a Broadway musical. Whatever that "thing" is, it is waiting for you too and just looking for someone as powerful as you to do big things.

"Remember why you started."


It's easy to complain about life in the present. "Ugh, this essay is taking me forever, why is this class even important" or "It's so hot out, why did I decide to run today," but think about the reason behind your action to begin with. Remember your senior year of high school, and the joy and excitement that filled your soul when you clicked the "commit" button for college. You worked so hard to get where you are today, and your younger self is so proud. Remember why you started, and where you want to go. And you'll get there.

You are strong and powerful and have all the power in the world to go big. These last two weeks of the school year will be crazy, let's not sugarcoat it, but with bright thoughts, it will be a little easier. Before you know it, we will be driving down open roads with the windows down and music on, going to the beach with a good book, sitting inside on the rare rainy days and binging Netflix. Time is going to fly, so enjoy the present and look forward to the future.

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