Just a little inspiration for you to continue loving life and not worry about what others think, because at the end of the day, who do we go home with? Ourselves!
1. This life is what you make it.
Marilyn Monroe couldn't have said it any better! Life is definitely what you make it! I learned this through many tough trials during my life that both life and people in it threw at me. I have been back-stabbed, used, judged, and even mocked. Back then, I would cry myself to sleep at night over it and spend every waking hour trying to change myself to be someone that others would accept. But finally, one day, I realized it is just not worth it! If they can't accept me for who I truly am, then I don't need them in my life! That and a really smart friend of mine told me, "You can count your true friends on one hand." She was right!
2. You and God are your only judges.
Nobody's opinion about the way you live your life and what you do matters except your own and God's. Who has to deal with both their good and bad decisions throughout life, along with the rewards and heartaches they bring? You!Who knows everything you do at all times, even when nobody else is around? God. So why do you have to answer to everyone else out there as to why you do things the way you do them? Why do you have to worry about what they think about you? You don't!
3. Trust yourself.
Trust in yourself! Trust that you can be your own judge (God being the main judge of course) and be successful. Because you can be! We all have the potential to create our own success and trust me, the sky is the limit!
5. Take chances!
Take a chance! You never know what opportunities can pop up in life or what wonderful people can come into your life and make it even better than what it already was or even help you grow! Whether it is a career opportunity, a friend, or a date - believe in yourself and take the chance! You never know what endless possibilities of amazing things you are capable of.
6. Be you!
Only you know what you truly want, believe and love. Do not be afraid to go out there and enjoy this beautiful gift we have been given: LIFE!