One of the things I’ve found to be a consistent joy of life is having friends and as you get to know them discovering the amazing gifts and talents they possess. I got the chance to sit down with a friend of mine named Cayden and talk to him about his work in poetry. I also got the chance to hear about what inspires him.
Me: Cayden, thank you so much for hanging out and talking to me today. After reading your two most recent works “Where Are You God?” and “The Sycamore Tree,” I have to know: what inspired you to begin writing?
C: I've always loved to write; I will write about anything anywhere at any time... if I have inspiration. Writing is a release of emotions that people tend to keep held in whether it be anger, sadness, joy, or whatever else- you can't keep everything pent-up without eventually exploding.
Me: An interesting train of thought there. Going along with that, I’m sure you have a vision for your writings. If your reader could gain one thing from your writings, what would you hope for it to be?
C: I hope that they would gain a sense of self-worth and accomplishment. No one should ever have to think that they aren't good enough to be loved or be accepted. Everyone is perfect the way they are, and we shouldn't think any differently. Honestly, in a modern day society, there are so many sounds. The world is full of so many sounds, yet the one we hear loudest is silence. I want people to know that silence is not the only sound worth hearing. People want to hear your voice. And you should be willing to share it.
Me: I think it is very true what you say when we hear silence most often. We can be so connected as a people yet so disconnected when it truly boils down to those deep intimate like relationships, the kind that fills that relational void in our lives. Who or what personally for you inspires you to share your voice and write?
C: God inspires me. Everything he has created. The sunset, the trees, friends, family, everything. But I won't write unless I feel like He has something he wants to say through me. Words always carry a weight with them, so we must be careful in the way we use them. They are a blessing and a curse. I write about important issues such as self-worth, and societal standards.
Me: Out of all the writings you’ve done which would you say is your favorite?
C: My favorite piece of work... that is a tough question. I would say my favorite piece would be "Where Are You, God?" I chose this one because it is about THE truth. At least for me, it is the most impactful and raw piece I have written thus far.
Me: That is beautiful. Writing is a continuous part of your life by the sounds of it. Is there anything that you personally receive/gain from writing?
C: Personally, what I gain from writing is a sense of freedom. I finally have the opportunity to get everything out, all my thoughts, my emotions. But mostly, I gain a sense of enlightenment. It's amazing when you stumble upon something, an idea, that you've never even thought of before.
Me: It takes courage to place those ideas and thoughts out there like that. Are you pretty public with your work?
C: I share my writings with friends but not anyone else really. This is the first time anyone has really ever asked about my writings. I'm not usually public about my writings because I've never been super comfortable with the thought of my work being put out there and having people I don't know read them. But I think is finally time that I did, and see if it's something that I'm good at!
Me: Hey, I’m honored that you are willing to share now and am sure many will be blessed by them. Final thought, now that you have released some and are becoming more open to sharing what do you see for the future of your writing journey?
C: I hope that I will keep writing whenever I feel inspired and people will be impacted by what is written. Even through the hecticness of life, never be afraid to inspire or be inspired.
Me: Wise words my friend, thank you so much for sharing with us and I’m sure I not only speak for myself when I say I cannot wait to see what more is to come.