1. People who text you randomly out of the blue, just to ask how you are.
2. Napping on days off.
3. Friends who keep you accountable for your school work.
4. Really good hair days.
5. People who write you notes.
6. Being in a relationship where both people spoil each other.
7. Dogs who lick your face.
8. Cashiers at retail stores who let you use a coupon that expired a week ago.
9. Eating your vegetables. A little green can go a long way for your health.
10. People who do their best to make you feel better when you are sad.
11. GroupMe likes.
12. Friends who make a conscious effort to hang out with you.
13. Late night drives going nowhere listening to music.
14. People who respect your boundaries without you having to remind them.
15. Pizza Rolls.
16. Talking positively about someone more than you talk negatively about them.
17. Especially women who lift up and support other women.
18. People who notice your haircut, even when it's just a little trim.
19. Friends who tell you when you have something in your teeth or toilet paper on your shoe.
20. Managing your eyebrows.
21. People who say "ma'am" or "sir" at the end of a yes or no answer.
22. Compliments just because.
23. People on Twitter that constantly favorite/retweet your tweets. You don't know them really, but they're the real MVP.
24. Forehead or cheek kisses.
25. A well-tailored suit.
26. People who let you cut in front of them at a store because they have a lot more items than you do.
27. Towels fresh out of the dryer.
28. Teachers who don't make you buy the book because they know you will never use it.
29. Friends who choose to be happy and supportive for you instead of jealous and judgmental.
30. Seat warmers during the winter time.
31. People who treat you to lunch or dinner.
32. Quiz or test answers found word for word on Quizlet.
33. This chubby puppy.
34. Remembering to take your umbrella when you know it's supposed to rain.
35. Deep conversations that last until three in the morning.
36. Goals and dreams.
37. Stretching and warming up before a workout.
38. People who tell you to call or text them once you get home.
39. Snapchat streaks.
40. People who know your birthday off the top of their head.
41. Chipotle giving out coupons for free Burritos. (Text 'raincheck' to 888222)
42. Adopting animals from a shelter instead of buying from breeders.
43. Taking care of yourself.
44. "Tasty" cooking videos on Facebook.
45. Pizza. Pizza is so very important.