When life isn't going your way, which it often does so many times. Just rise up. If you fall out of love with a guy you've been with forever, change your career path, move somewhere new, say goodbye to old friends to make room for new ones, it's okay. It's okay to change and grow and fall to pieces between the change and growth. We're only human. We as humans want to feel a part of something that's greater than ourselves, to belong and feel like we belong, and to love and be loved. It's hard to live in a generation where we are constantly exposed to websites that focus on everyone's highlighted moments at every single second of every day. It's no wonder we are always thinking "I could do better", "I need to travel", "I need to break up with my boyfriend because I'm not as happy as I could be". We live in a generation that needs to relearn patience, to relearn hard work and motivation, and to relearn how to love others, and of course ourselves.
As a person who is an empath, there are days I feel like complete shit. I take everyone's problems as my own and I think it's important to recognize that I have awful days. What I feel we forget, is we all have bad days, but you don't see people posting how long they were crying after their boyfriend left for the military, you don't see the pain someone is suffering from losing a family member to death, or someone who is trying to overcome an addiction. What we forget is all of our battles are similar. We are all more similar than we are different, if we keep that in the back of our minds we could find so much support. Reach out to someone, more than likely they have insight on a situation you're dealing with that you don't know how to overcome yourself.
I want to make sure everyone reading this understands there are resources, there are websites, friends, family, etc. that can help. Life is not easy by any means, and it's sad that we live in a world where we are afraid to express that-- I have done it myself. Living in vulnerability is hard, but it is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. Feeling and seeing what makes you vulnerable can then help you to see a different view point of your life. Be vulnerable, make changes if you need to, and find your voice. If you're afraid, it's okay. We're all afraid of something and remember it's your life and your choice to do what you need to do.
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie